The Swamps - 5th night

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< Coucou mes chéris ! How are you all doing today ? I'm in denial and everything's fine. No one died and the world is beautiful. No objections accepted.
After some more calculations, I think we're going to reach the 100th chapter even before the new arc. Considering the amount of arcs and things I still have to tell you, expect twice this amount by the end of the story.

Anyways, little disclaimer cause I still don't own Naruto and I hope you'll enjoy ! >

Dusk was now coloring in the sky in vibrant shades of crimson and gold and for a single instant, all seemed quiet.
A loud grunt, several kunai flew and a thump on the ground broke the temporary peace. Slowly standing up, Arashi gazed at the passed out silhouette of a boar a few feet away from him. That had been a close call, he'd been so tired after fighting those summons that he didn't hear it coming. How careless... Had it been another summon, he would've been done for. He sighed as he climbed up in the tall trees surrounding him. Even at war, you'd usually have the opportunity to set a camp or rely on comrades. This trial was really a simulation of what would happen if they found themselves in hostile territory for a long period of time and with no backup at all. The thought didn't sit well with him. The Uzukage never did anything unnecessary and some of the conditions of this trial weren't set by the Mizukage but Kurama-dono herself.
Hence the question : why did she think they'd need such training ? Because for Uzushio, that's what it was : training. Any occasion to train and grow stronger should be used and so they did. But aimlessly training rarely yields valuable results. A clear goal needs to be set for it to be efficient and that's why this peculiar session worried him. By all appearances, it seemed as though Kurama-dono was preparing them for war. But war against who ? Konoha ? No matter how strong the enmity between them was, waging a war was a completely different matter.

Arashi sighed. As Enma enjoyed reminding him, reasoning and scheming weren't his forte and he would gladly leave that part to their resident Kitsune. Whatever they asked of him, he would obey without question.


Koan was slightly panting, wiping sweat off his temple in a shaking motion. Muzai had really given him a run for his money but he was now unable to move, see or speak thanks to a seal that Suzuka-sama had designed years ago. She probably never thought it'd be used against her teammates and fellow shinobi of Uzushio...
In a now familiar gesture, Koan sent Muzai back to the HQ and started roaming around once more. The more the trial went on, the more desperate the contestants were to hide. After originally exploring and searching for food, they were now too tired to even risk moving around. It made the search tougher but the fight easier. Well, he knew what was left to do. It was about to get a lot more interesting and he wouldn't say no to a little more excitement. Sure, fighting Muzai had been exhausting but because it was stimulating. Patrolling the swamps for days had been anything but interesting and battling would be a nice change of pace.

He quickly left in search for other shinobi, not leaving even a trace behind.

Senbatsu Muzai : injured.


Kurama and Gaara watched as the shinobi retreated into hiding. A sound yet predictable strategy. It wouldn't be surprising if the Kitsune and the Toads had anticipated it. Whether the shinobi knew that the strategy was obvious or not would probably end up determining their success. Excitement was rising in the room as everyone looked forward to the upcoming battle.
In a corner, Shayō was resting, blissfully sleeping on a couch. She needed to rest after what she had experienced back in the forest and Mei had insisted she remained close to her. The tension from earlier had eased up a lot and Kurama, Gaara, Mei and Tsunade were now smiling. Onoki was still a bit upset by his fellow Kage's attitude (the Uzukage did give him an earful) and A just looked relieved now that the Akatsuki had been driven out.

Indeed, after the ruckus they caused along with Sakura and Suzuka, they had run into Tamamo and the golden-haired Kitsune had almost ripped them to shreds. Her genjutsu had managed to fool Itachi for a solid five minutes before he noticed it. But it had been enough time for her to set a trap and they barely made it out. It took the Amaterasu and the entirety of Samehada's chakra reserves to cut through the intricate web of seals and strings. After that, Kisame and Itachi escaped the forest and disappeared in the night. It left Tamamo and all the Kage with a bitter taste in their mouth to know they hadn't succeeded in capturing the two criminals but they hoped the damage they had sustained would be enough to keep them from coming back too soon.

Jiraiya was watching from the opposite corner to where Shayō slept, absentmindedly observing her. For once, it was no lewd thoughts that she inspired him, but regret and nostalgia.
In many ways, this little girl was similar to Suzuka when he first met her : fierce, independent, reliable yet kind and vulnerable. She was a child who had to grow faster than she really could.

It always made him feel guilty when he noticed how cold Suzuka was toward everyone, including himself. If he thought about it, she had always been abandoned. Either because people betrayed her or died, but she somehow always ended up alone. It probably terrified her to get attached to others... Perhaps being there for her could have changed things ? But Tenten and Kakashi were and she still ended up this way.

As his eyes settled back on Shayō, he wondered if her story was as tragic as Suzuka's and how it was that fate would always strike the gentlest souls.


The wind was blowing southwest, in the direction of that poisonous forest. It was good news for him as it wouldn't spread the deadly gas to his location. With his ever-laidback attitude, Utakata made his way other to the swamps. Unlike most shinobi, it was an environment he felt comfortable in. He easily blended in, perhaps thanks to Saiken... It would make a perfect hideaway for the time being and there was no doubt that staying hidden he would need. He had gathered food and water to last for the two upcoming days and hoped he wouldn't have to leave the place until the end of the trial. It was quite interesting how everyone seemed to have similar strategies. He had noticed some people - who didn't bother hiding - making provisions as well.
What bothered him was that he knew the summons would have anticipated that. So the question was : how was he going to defend himself against attackers ?
He had until the end of the night to figure this out, tomorrow was going to be a tough day.

Unbeknownst to him, similar thoughts crossed the minds of all the shinobi in the Swamps as they prepared for the final days of this straining trial.


5th day
Remaining contestants : ?? out of 40.

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