Do you still fight

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The signal was given. And in a blur, golden chains flew across the arena, colliding and wrapping around one another. The two women remained set in place, stone faced while trying to gain the upper hand with their bloodline's signature jutsu.
Kushina seemed to get bored of this first and while deflecting Tenten's attacks, she summoned a water dragon that rounded up her opponent. It towered over the younger kunoichi and came crashing down on her. Or at least so it seemed-

A large naginata was resting in Tenten's hands, held above her head. The seal on the blade was glowing a deep azure as she swung the blade down, the blow easily cutting through the air and ground. Kushina avoided it in time but couldn't fully evade the next swing and she had to block with a kunai.
The older kunoichi was being pushed back by Tenten's repeated strikes. She was edging closer and closer to the wall when the attack came to a halt.

Tenten glanced down as she noticed her weapon being held back and saw the adamantine chains were wrapped around the handle. Some more sprouted from the ground and she avoided all but one. The golden chain ensnared her left ankle before pulling her to the ground. More chains came forth to trap her and soon, she was pined down on the floor.
Kushina breathed out with a satisfied smile while people from Konoha cheered for her.

Tsunade watched with a small frown : her own shinobi didn't seem content with this result. Lee and Neji in particular looked upset and Tetsuya's face was a mix of concern, disappointment and guilt. She glanced at the other people present and was surprised to find a frown similar to hers on Gaara's face, accompanied with what looked like worry. However, what struck her as odd was the calmness on the faces of the Uzushio residents. Both shinobi and civilians looked unbothered, almost as if expecting something.
And sure enough, something did happen.

When Kushina saw that Tenten wasnt about to give up, she felt a familiar anger building up within. How dare she ? She was beaten, fair and square, and yet she'd question Kushina's victory ? The audacity of that child ! Why, all those Uzushio people were so hellbent on hating her, she'd have none of it ! She would teach that foolish girl a lesson she won't-

Kushina's train of thought stilled instantly when a purple glow enveloped her chains. She had gotten closer to Tenten but forgot to consider the kunoichi's abilities in her haste. But how ? Nothing should be able to escape or break the chains !
And only then did she notice the seals that started glowing on her skin. She saw the way Tenten's hand was resting on the chain and the blood dripping of her finger. Shit, had she-?

The chains dramatic broke into black dust and the force of the blow made Kushina recoil. Tenten was up in an instant, her naginata still in hand. Kushina tried to summon back her chains but nothing came. Panic immediately settled in and she shouted :

" - What have you done to me ?! How did you break the adamantine chains ?

Tenten smirked as she avoided Kushina's punch. A dent was left in the ground, prompting a cheer from the councilors of Konoha. Tenten simply kept her distance, twirling her naginata in her hand.

- It's just a matter of logic : if I know a technique then I can easily find a counter for it.  I merely aim to be prepared for all situations, including one where I have to fight against someone with abilities similar to mine.
But don't worry, this is only temporary. Though...

She swung her blade down, Kushina avoiding the wind slash but before she could recover, Tenten swung it back upward with a circular motion akin to a whirlpool. The seal on the blade glowed once more and water was conjured from it. It followed the weapon's motion, a swirling tide forming around Tenten before rising from the ground and coming back crashing on Kushina.
The older Uzumaki narrowly avoided this second blow but when Tenten wiped her naginata backwards to direct the water toward Kushina again, she was unable to get out of the way fast enough.

The wave collided with her head on and she was sent crashing into a wall. She struggled to rise back on her feet, her head was ringing painfully. Upon seeing her opponent trying to stand back up, Tenten gathered all water she still had in a ball, making it shrink as much as possible and then thrusting her blade forward, the liquid following the movement and creating a powerful thin stream, cutting like an edge.
Kushina attempted to duck but her left shoulder was pierced and she cried out in pain.

A fierce gleam inhabited the eyes of both kunoichi and they stood tense, ready to attack. The audience was watching silently, excitement rising up for the final showdown.
Then suddenly, Tenten swung her naginata, delivering three strikes in a row. Kushina jumped out the way and slammed her hand on the ground after going through several hand signs. The earth then split in half and rose on each side of the chasm, like waves trying to drown her opponent. With a large cut, all of the dirt fell on the ground, shaking it as Kushina closed in on Tenten to kick her in the chest. The blow was blocked and immediately countered with another one. The kunoichi engaged in a taijutsu battle, Kushina forcing Tenten to drop her naginata.

They exchanged blows until Kushina grabbed Tenten and slammed her on the floor, knocking the wind out of her lungs. She was about to deliver the final strike when chains wrapped around her wrist and she was pulled away from the younger shinobi. Without missing a bit, Tenten circled behind her opponent and knocked her out with a blow to the neck, undoing her chains as Kushina fell down.

Silence remained in the arena for a few seconds before a loud cheer erupted, Tenten's name being shouted by civilians and shinobi alike. She went to pick up her weapon, returning it to its scroll and heading back to the tribune assigned to the participants.

And just like that, it was over. Konoha had lost its chance to turn the tides. While it hadn't been an easy victory for Tenten, it had been obvious how much Kushina struggled to keep up with her opponent once she couldn't use her adamantine chains. She had been deprived of her main asset and couldn't really put up a fight without it. It was almost ironic for a woman who was so antagonizing with her own clan to depend on its bloodline like this.
Regardless, the result spoke for itself. Uzushio, even when facing one of the strongest kunoichi of Konoha with one that was half her age, could prevail without major damage.

Jiraiya stood next to Tsunade with a pensive look. He'd noticed how she and the rookie 9 had seemed so disgruntled when it looked like Kushina had won. And he could see how relieved they were by Tenten's victory. Yet Kushina was a kunoichi of Konoha so why being more loyal to Tenten ? He already knew but he hoped the village elders would start pondering on this matter. How came that these young shinobi were more loyal to their friends than their village ? If Konoha had remained the same, bright and caring place it used to be under the Shodaime Hokage, this wouldn't have happened.
The younger generation couldn't recognize itself in the older one. Almost like two different villages cohabiting in one... That was Konoha now.

The names flickered on the screen as Kurama picked the second match-up and handed it to an official.
The screen stopped on those two names :

Kurotsuchi vs Higure

Instantly, Onoki started getting agitated, telling his granddaughter how she was performing for the honor of the village. She reassured him with a confident smile, stating that she'd make sure she'd give Uzushio a run for their money.
She descended in the arena, Higure walking down the stairs with her. He had a small smirk and they both looked enthusiastic about the whole ordeal. They went to stand opposite sides of the arena, Kurama in the middle to give the signal.
Kurotsuchi then turned toward Higure and asked in a challenging tone :

- Hey, I just had an idea.

- Really ? What about it ?

- What would you say about a bet ?

A low murmur spread through the arena, people curious at the prospect of an even bigger stake.
Higure seemed to consider it for a moment before answering :

- It would depend, what kind of bet do you have in mind ?

- Let's say... Whoever wins gets the right to demand anything from the other's village."

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