Neji vs Naru

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< Hi everyone ! Hope you're all doing well. As always, thank you for reading, I hope you still enjoy this and I'm proud to announce we're about 3 or 4 chapters from the second part !
But I still don't own Naruto, Kishimoto won't let me...>

Naru stood in the arena with her arms crossed on her chest. Her opponent was obviously taking her lightly and she didn't like it one bit. Hadn't she proved she was competent by then ? She got into a stance and saw Neji raising an eyebrow before shrugging it off. He didn't even get into his Jūken stance. Now that was it, she would beat this bastard down to a bloody pulp !

Tenten and Kakashi sweat dropped when they noticed the amount of KI Naru was releasing. The Hyūga prodigy had made a huge mistake and he would now pay this dearly...

Since it wasn't a match apart of the official competition, there were no spectators aside from the rookie 9, team 9 and their sensei.

Tsunade herself was the referee for the fight. She gave the starting signal and jumped a few feet away from them. Which proved useful as Naru punched the ground with unparalleled strength, efficiently making Neji lose his balance. Hopping on the floating blocks, she went straight at Neji and punched him in the thorax. He blocked the blow with both of his arms and was sent 20 feet back. He growled and readied his gentle fist.

Meanwhile, Naru went through some hand seals and made a wind tornado that hurled straight toward Neji but he was ready. The byakugan user started spinning and a sphere of chakra appeared around him. The tornado was easily dispelled. Naru was far from done though. She went through some more hand signs and summoned a water dragon that collided with the Kaiten from above. Water spilled all around of it. Neji stopped spinning but he noticed the water surrounding him.

However, that was already too late.

" - Raiton : Lighting needles !

The lighting reached the water all around Neji and started pouring on him. Using the Jūken, he deflected them one by one.

- Why doesn't he use the Kaiten ?

- The needles are too close to him. The fact that were are fired at the perimeter of his Kaiten makes using the Kaiten dangerous since he would need to make it smaller and thus closer to him, putting him at risk of hurting himself.

- Wait... Isn't he getting hit on the back ?

- I-it's bec-cause of the blind p-point...

- Now that you mention it, I remember Neji saying something like this... Wait, does that mean !

The second the needles stopped pouring on Neji, he was struck from behind, falling unconscious on the ground.

- Take me more seriously next time."

* Time skip *

" - How did you do this ? How did you struck me from behind ? You should have appeared in front of me if you used the Hiraishin, shouldn't you ?

- Well, I made some tweaks to the jutsu so I don't have to appear exactly on the seal. That's how I got behind you. Since you had been struck by some of the needles, your movements were slightly more sluggish and your reflexes were slower so it increased my odds of incapacitating you.

- ... You used my blind spot too, didn't you ?

- I made some research and I found out about this but it was difficult to know exactly were it was. The needles were a way to pin point precisely in which direction you couldn't see.

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