One does not simply cross a mother

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I don't own Naruto, Kishimoto does, why do I have to rub salt on my wounds !

Shisui was allegedly a prodigy and a talented Uchiha, even though he was only eleven. Mature and responsible, he was the child anyone would dream of ! And yet, here he was, wondering for the billionth time since two hours if he had taken the good decision.

Then again, he hardly had a choice. Higure didn't look too concerned about what would happen next. Well, his little brother was five after all, and quite the odd ball in their whole clan (what kind of Uchiha smiles ?!). He looked at the young girl once more. Higure was trying to show her some flowers but she kept picking them and eating them !

The two were actually fun to watch, so much Shisui was so engrossed in it he didn't see someone approaching from behind.
" - Shisui, Higure."

The two young boys froze on the spot. It wouldn't be pretty and Shisui knew it. After all, Uchiha Jun'ichirô was not known for his gentleness nor kindness.

" - Would you care to explain to me why this girl is with you, in the Uchiha compound, when the Hokage just reported her missing ?

- Oh, Father... Well, we did not mean to kidnapp her-

- So you did abduct her."

It was getting out hand so fast, Shisui was sweating profusely.

" - We didn't have a choice, Father, she was being bullied ! Higure chipped in.

- ... Start with the beginning.

- We were on our way back to the compound when we heard screams coming from the orphanage. We went to see and we saw the Head caretaker pull on this girl's hair while screaming at her she should murder her and that no one would regret her. She looked so skinny and we figured out she must have been abused the whole time she spent there. Then the woman grabbed a bag. She was ready to put the girl in so I told Higure to scratch his knee and wail as loud as he could in front of the door. The caretaker left and I sneaked through the window to get the girl and we made a run for it."

Jun'ichirô looked both tired and pissed and his sons were not sure what it meant.

" - We need to report this to Hokage-sama, she can't stay here.

- What if they send her back to the orphanage ? Surely she wasn't the only one to treat her this badly !

- It will be Hokage-sama's decision. She has to leave.

- And why is that so ?"

Jun'ichirô pinched the bridge of his nose. That was exactly what he had hoped wouldn't happen.

" - Uzume, this kid needs to be taken care of by the appropriate services.

- Well, obviously it hasn't been the case until now.

- Still, we can't keep her !

- Why not ! You know we can take care of her better than any of those hags will !

- It still is kidnapping !

- Not if I ask Hokage-sama the permission to adopt her.

- The council will never allow you to.

- I'll ask Fugaku-sama for support !

- We still are having trouble from the whole Kyūbi incident and you think he will give you support to adopt the child that was born on the day of the attack and that all the villagers think is the reincarnation of a bijū ?

- Then I guess I'll have to abduct her.

- No, you won't.

- Yes, I will ! I want to keep her ! The boys already like her, she looks like an angel who deserves much better than kicks and insults and I've always wanted a daughter, so there's no problem ! I'm sure you can deal with Fugaku-sama and Hokage-sama. - Uzume turned to face the bewildered children - Come on now, I'm sure you all must be hungry. Is there something you'd like to eat, sweetie ?"

Jun'ichirô watched as his wife strolled toward their house with her sons walking beside her and a blond little girl in her arms.
"I knew marrying this woman would be troublesome."

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