Lee vs Sasuke : genius vs hardwork

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< I found this on YouTube !! I just love it ! Stay safe and take care !>

Sakura was bitting her nails. Sasuke-kun just couldn't be late ! Disqualified ? That was unthinkable ! What was Kakashi doing ??!

The time was passing, each passing second getting Sasuke closer to his sentence.

Just before the end of the additional time, a swirl of leaves appeared in the middle of the arena. Sarutobi smirked. Of course they would show up late...

Sasuke stood there, without a care in the world. Lee beamed, barely restraining from doing push ups. Genma called both competitors to the center of the field.

" - Uchiha Sasuke, I was hoping to challenge you and finally the time has come ! I will demonstrate with this very match that hard work is just as good, even better than being a genius !

- Hn. You think the likes of you can defeat me ? Don't be a fool. You're not even worth my attention.

- We will soon know whether you can back up this statement or not.

- Are you both ready ? Then begin."

It caught everyone by surprise. In a burst of speed, Lee ran straight up to Sasuke and punched him in the jaw, sending him flying a few meters away.

Losing no time, he resumed his offensive but the Uchiha was already back on his feet, preparing a jutsu.

" Katon : Gôkyaku no jutsu ! "

Lee barely had time to avoid it. Using the green clad genin's surprise, Sasuke ran behind him and spun a circular kick at him.

His eyes widened when Lee caught his leg. The Uchiha was swung around by his opponent. He crashed into a wall.

Lee stood on the other side of the arena in his usual stance. He was smirking confidently.

Tenten was smirking too, along with Naru. Obviously, the Uchiha didn't expect Lee to be so strong. It was kind of hilarious to witness this.

On the other hand, the civilians and most shinobi were dumbfounded : how could this nobody have the upper hand on the last Uchiha ?? Sakura was so lost. Ino couldn't wrap her head around what was happening. Everyone was at a loss of words.

Sasuke was getting seriously pissed by now. It was insulting how someone like this was trying to prove they were better than him, an Uchiha ! Unconsciously, he activated his Sharingan. If the loser in front of him was using some filthy jutsu to enhance his pathetic power, he would be able to copy it and teach him a lesson.

Using the skills that got him the title of "rookie of the year" in the Academy, the "duck-butt emo" launched ten kunai with surgical precision. Three were aimed at Lee's vital points, four others at his limbs.

Lee dodged all them but suddenly he noticed Sasuke preparing another fire ball even though he wasn't in his firing range. Then a ray of sunshine revealed the reason why his opponent acted so strangely but it was too late.

The thin string linking Sasuke's mouth to the three remaining kunai took fire very quickly. Unfortunately for Lee, the ten kunai were all scattered around so the strings linking them all made a very intricate pattern, forming a web around him.

Everybody watched as Gai's student was surrounded by raging flames. Many thought he was actually dead and looked away from the gruesome sight.

Genma was watching intently the genin, wondering if he should call the match off.

Then all of a sudden-

" First gate : OPEN ! "

A burst of chakra dispelled the flames and Lee stood there, his skin an unnatural shade of red and his hair raised up in the air.

Sasuke looked both shocked and annoyed. What the hell was wrong with this guy. But that was dangerous. He needed to put some distance between them.

He jumped a millisecond before Lee kicked the ground were he used to be. A game of tag then began, Sasuke running away from Lee who kept making holes all around the arena with his heavy blows.

" - For your student to match mine's speed, it's quite surprising. - Gai turned toward Kakashi, who merely shrugged.

- Well, I taught him a jutsu that requires such speed so obviously... "

Finally getting an occasion, the Uchiha launched smoke bomb at Lee. Using the distraction, he climbed up a wall and started to concentrate chakra in his left hand. Soon, the sound of a thousand of chirping birds filled the arena.

" - Kakashi, you didn't !... "

Blue, electric like chakra was surrounding the black-haired genin's hand. The smoke was only clearing, leaving Lee at Sasuke's mercy.

In a blur, the last Uchiha was standing in front of Lee, already thrusting his hand toward his adversary's chest. He clearly went for the kill.

In just one moment, it was over. The match was over. Blood staining the ground of the arena and people looking away once more at the crude violence of this battle.

" - Winner... Rock Lee ! "

A long silence followed. Then laughter. Naru was laughing her head off at everyone's surprise. She started clapping and cheering for Lee, soon followed by Tenten, Chôji and all the rookie 9 aside from Sakura and Ino.

Sasuke's body was imbedded in a wall, he was without any doubt passed out. Blood was trickling down his chin, slowly pooling underneath him.

What no one had had the time to see was that while he was hidden in the smoke, Lee had opened two more gates and had waited for the right occasion to strike back and catch his adversary off guard. Said occasion presented itself faster than expected.

Lee had dodged Sasuke's chidori. With the momentum, the latter had no time to avoid the punch in the stomach the former delivered. He coughed up blood before crashing in the wall, though he was unconscious before even colliding with the concrete.

It was a clap of thunder for the village : Lee had just proved that his hard work and his unwavering determination were stronger than any bloodline.

It was a great symbol, one that would remain etched in every single one of them's memory.

Not everybody was happy about this though. Sakura was crying in shock. She couldn't believe it. Her Sasuke-kun, her perfect Sasuke-kun had just lost to a nobody. It couldn't be ! There ought to have been some foul play or cheating here !

She was ready to call out to the Hokage about this but Kakashi noticed it right away and silenced her with a glare.

Lee climbed back up and asked Naru how she thought his performance was. When she said it was amazing, Lee exploded in euphoria and started striking poses. No one had the heart to stop him after his big victory.

Still, the tournament had to keep going.

A smiling Genma announced the next match and both Tenten and Dosu went down in the arena. They gauged each other silently. Finally-

" Begin ! "


< Wow, I did it ! It was long but it was worth it ! I hope you enjoyed it, I know I enjoyed writing it. Have a nice day and eat fruits ! >

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