Fateful meeting

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< I am so sorry ! I really have no excuse but I couldn't get myself to write anything for two weeks so the update is awfully late... But good news, I aced my exams so I don't have to worry about this anymore ! Now, onto the chapter, I've kept you waiting long enough. Thanks for reading as always and take care !>


Tetsuya was lost in thoughts as he was running past the trees. He was very excited and admittedly, quite anxious about meeting his twin sister. He knew how the others felt about him being raised and spoiled by his mother while his sister was left to literally die on the streets and she would probably feel the same. However, he still hoped they could talk so he could find a way to make it up to her. Granted, making it up for years of intensive abuse was... unrealistic, but he could try !...
Now he was just getting even more anxious about meeting Naru...

Suddenly, Asuma stopped and got into a battle stance. The others followed his example and they stood there before someone surged from the shadows. They all gasped when they recognized them.

" - Tenten ?!

- Tenten, you're here too !

- Finally, my student is back ! So youthful !

- What are you saying ? Who's supposed to be back ?

Tenten gazed at her teacher with a mix of anger, surprise and sadness.
Gai on the other hand was just clueless as to why she would react this way.

- You really don't get it, do you, sensei ? None of us is going back to Konoha. Ever. This village has made it clear it didn't want Naru to be there so we will stay with her, as her family, in Uzushio where we actually are accepted and appreciated.

- Tenten, please ! The banishment has been revoked a long time ago, you can come back ! Naru is welcome in Konoha !

- No, she isn't, she's never been and won't ever be. So leave us alone.

- Tenten, tell us where Naru is !

Sasuke immediately regretted uttering those words. The air suddenly felt very heavy, to the point the Konoha shinobi were suffocating.

- Do you really think you of all people can order me around, Uchiha ? If it wasn't for the "peace" between our villages, I would already have sliced open your throat.

- Excuse me, Tenten, right ? Could you just tell me... is Naru alright ? Is she treated well in Uzushio ?

It was Tetsuya who had just spoken. The brunette kunoichi eyed him curiously before asking :

- Who are you ?

- I... It would be better if I spoke with Naru first...

- ... Hm, I will report your presence to the village. Maybe she'll agree. And to answer your question, yes, she's loved here in Uzushio.

- That's a relief...

Tenten was puzzled by this boy's attitude.
" What is it with him ? His aura feels familiar... Like someone I know but never met. And why is he so worried about Naru ? Could it be ?..."

- Tenten, please let us at least speak with your Kage. We came here not only to inform you, Naru and Kakashi that you are allowed back at the village, but also to make an alliance with Uzushio.

- You... do realise how unlikely that is to happen, Asuma-san ?

- Yes, but we are just carrying out orders. Please, Tenten.

- Fine. Not that you could do much harm, anyway."

Tenten turned her back on them and walked ahead toward her village.
The other shinobi hesitated a bit before following her. Soon, they reached the end of the woods and Uzushiogakure was fully visible. It stood proudly between the shore and a few hills.
Tetsuya was amazed at the sight of his hometown. Asuma remembered his father's stories about the place and Gai discovered it with his usual great enthusiasm. On the other hand, Neji and Sasuke were more reserved : the former being saddened by his teammate's behavior and the latter being on edge due to the plans on his mind.

The weapon master led them to the Uzukage tower while greeting all the inhabitants. Asuma couldn't help but notice the unexpected amount of redheads in the village and identified them as Uzumaki.
"So they managed to gather the clan back in Uzushio ? Father would be happy that Naru found her family."

At the entrance of the Uzukage's office, Kakashi was waiting and leaning on the wall facing the door.
When he noticed who was with his student, his face grew from bored to gloomy.

" - Tenten, why are they here ?

- They were ordered to come in the village and talk with Kurama-dono. Ah, and of course some nonsense about us going back to Konoha.

- Really, is that so ? And what makes you believe we'll agree to any of this ?

- Come on, my dear rival ! Let us celebrate our reunion ! You will convince Naru and Tenten to come back, right ?

- No.

The answer was so dry it left everyone speechless. Kakashi looked more and more angry and it spelt no good. Neji stepped in to prevent it from escalating.

- We know we were not announced but we would like to have a discussion with your Kage in order to enhance our relationship with Uzushiogakure.

- Well, I can't prevent you from talking to our Kage but make sure not to offend her in any way or the whole village will have your head.

They gulped nervously at Kakashi's dead serious tone. Sasuke was starting to doubt his plans as it seemed the shinobi in this village were no amateurs.

Tenten knocked on the door and a voice inside the office told them to enter.

" - So, why are five shinobi from Konoha currently in my office ?

This sentence caught their attention immediately as the woman who said it didn't even rise her head up before saying it.
After a moment of hesitation, Asuma took a step forward and spoke.

- We are here on our Kage's behalf. Tsunade-sama would like to restore Konoha's former alliance with Uzushio. We came here to discuss the topic with you, Uzukage-sama.

Finally, the Kage looked at them, the expression in her eyes unreadable. She sighed and closed her eyes.

- I see. Well, tell me what your Kage would expect from such an alliance and maybe we will reach an agreement. However...

She gazed at the group and her eyes settled on Tetsuya.

- Who is this boy ? Neither Naru nor Kakashi nor Tenten ever mentioned him.

- I am Tetsuya, Uzukage-sama. Uzumaki Tetsuya.

- Uzumaki ?... Well, consider yourself at home, then. Who would your parents be ?

- My father was the Yondaime Hokage and my mother's name is Uzumaki Kushina.

- I see... That was to be expected. Am I wrong to assume you want to meet Naru ?

- No, I'd like to talk to her. Would you allow me to ?

- Sure, just don't resent her if she doesn't want to meet you. I'm sure you understand why.

- Of course, Uzukage-sama. Thank you very much.

- Very well. Tenten, lead this young man to Naru, she's at the Academy. Kakashi, take Uchiha-san and Maito-san out for a tour around the village. Hyūga-san, Sarutobi-san, you two will remain here, I believe we have a lot to discuss about.

Sasuke was about to protest but Gai stopped him and they followed a disgruntled Kakashi out of the office. On the other hand, Tenten had started questioning Tetsuya about his origins while answering his own questions about the village.
Kurama watched them leave and then redirected her eyes on the two jônin at her desk.

- Now, would you care to tell me your actual motives ? Surely, you did not come all the way here just for some discussion, did you ?"

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