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< Hello everyone ! I'm going to try and update some drawings of my OCs but it'll probably take a while. I also reviewed all the previous chapters and God the amount of typos I make... I totally need to get that fixed. Anyway, have a nice day, take care and enjoy reading ! >


" - What are you doing ?

Sasuke was currently very pissed, finally remembering what it was like to work with Suzuka : she was an annoying little pest that wouldn't share any information with you and would basically let you do your thing unless she expected something specific from you. Did she think he was a tool or something ?
Her lack of acknowledgement made him think so.

- Naru.

- ...

- Naru !

- ...

- God damnit, Ôtsutsuki Suzuka, will you fucking answer ?!!

- Yeah, what do you want ?

- ... I'm going to murder you.

The blond shrugged it off and resumed whatever she was doing.
Just how frustrating could she be ? She was doing this on purpose...

- I'm done.

- Will you finally tell me what you were doing ? Cause this is supposed to be a teamwork exercise.

- Oh my, did I ever think I would hear the oh so great and mighty Uchiha Sasuke talk about teamwork !

- Seriously ? Now of all times ?

- Geez, don't sweat it. I merely did my part of the job.

- What ?

* Ten minutes ago *

Suzuka read the scroll of instructions they were given, slightly frowning. That was a bit similar to what they had to do back in the chūnin exams : they were given a box and they had to protect what it contained at all costs. The trick was that they weren't told what they had to protect it from until Suzuka took the box in her hands and felt the ruffle in it.

"An animal. There's a goddamn animal inside..."

That was something she hadn't foreseen. Protecting an item and protecting a life were two different things. She could store away an item and eventually get it back if it was taken from her. However, a living being had to breathe, eat and feel warm. It moved and made noise. And most of all, you can't fix it if it's "broken".
What a pain, really...

* Back to the present time *

- As you already know, the little thing in the box you're holding is alive and considering we're not up against other teams, it means it probably will gather a bunch of wild and very hungry animals. Which is why I set a seal - you know, that useful trick you like to disregard - that will warn us of any presence in a perimeter of 5 km^3.

- So that includes the ground and the air.

- Of course.

- And what do you expect me to do ? Since you seem to like bossing me around.

- Glad you asked. Don't you have a flying summon ?

- How do you even know that ?

- Classified information. What matters is that it's going to be very useful.

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