The third ring

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<Me last week: did I update this week ? Yeah, I'm sure I did.
Me this week when I realise the last update was three weeks ago : Ah.
So yeah,  I'm a moron as always but here's this week's chapter, sorry for the delay 😅
Moving on, @NaughtyCat9 Thank you for the nice comment, I'm always happy to deliver good material ! I'm really hyped for the last trial, I hope you all will like it as much as I do ! After that, things will get into motion so that's a lot of planning but I'm getting there.
Enough ranting for now, hope you'll enjoy and thanks for reading as always ! >

Triggers :
Topic :
Warnings ⚠️ :

" - Of course it was him... I should have known that only someone like you would encourage her behavior regardless of what she does.

Everyone stared in confusion between Sasuke and the shinobi that had just punched him in the face. Some were confused as to who exactly Sasuke was referring to, some about how he knew of his opponent's identity and some wondered what he meant by "encouraging her behavior".
The man facing him, his face still hidden by his hoodie, chuckled lowly though it was obvious humor was completely missing from this atmosphere.

- It's rather amusing how you still don't get such an obvious thing after so many years.

He walked up to Sasuke, stopping just a few inches from and looked down at him. He was a good two inches taller and that didn't help with the weight of his stare on the seething Uchiha.

- When you'll understand that Suzuka isn't some kind of property that can be used and ordered around, then maybe she'll consider talking to you like you're a reasonable human being.

- Don't act so cocky with me, Higure !

Not a sound was uttered after that. Everyone had their lips pressed in fearful silence. The tense shoulders of the Konoha councilors seemed to collapse in on themselves from the pressure they exerted on their muscles to keep themselves in place. A strained sigh escaped Higure and he glared at Sasuke though not without a hint of mischief.

- You can't keep a secret, can you ?

The room bursted into anarchy after that. The councilors were barking and pointing accusing fingers in an unintelligible mess and the others were looking around with a wild, panicked gaze, unable to understand the unfolding chaos. Sasuke glared at Higure, not leaving his gaze for a second.

- Does that amuse you ?

- Quite much, yes.

The white haired Uchiha was smirking while behind him, Suzuka's face held a pensive look.

* 32 hours earlier *

What a mess. Seriously, why did B have to wrestle everyone before claiming the checkpoint ? The entire group was sore and beaten up. All of them had engaged in a six-way battle - an absolute nightmare. You can barely see who will attack or when or who it's aimed at. Most of the time it might as well be random jutsu just fired in every direction in hope it'll land somewhere interesting.
Karui got knocked out and so did Hakuchō. Once B reached the checkpoint - after conveniently leaving when things got too out of hand, there was nothing left to do but to face to the third checkpoint for Fū, Asuma and Utakata.

Asuma was checking on the other two shinobi. One was soaring above him and the other following close behind him. He had to knock the both of them out immediately, otherwise the stamina of a Jinchūriki was much more than he could handle. He wouldn't stand a chance.
They all came to a halt at the same time. Something was rushing toward them. Well, might as well make the most out of it.

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