Bushy brows, scrolls and oreos

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< Hi ! Been a while, uh ? The title is quite peculiar ? But don't worry, it'll make sense once you've read the chapter (I hope). Anyway, hope you'll enjoy it !>

Sakura, Sasuke and Naru stood in front of the Academy. It was strange coming back here after everything that happened since they graduated. They eventually walked in.
On the second floor, they heard commotion. A boy with very prominent eyebrows and a bowl cut was punched back on his teammate, a girl with her hair done in two cute buns. She pleaded them to let them in. Naru walked up to them.

" - Onee-san, it's not like you to let something as miserable as an illusion cloud your judgement.

In a flash, the brunette had let go of her teammate and was currently hugging her little sister.

- Naru ! I'm so happy to see you ! How are you doing ?

- I'm fine, thank you ! What about you ? Is he your teammate ?

- Ah yes, this is Lee and the Hyūga over there is Neji. Guys, this is Naru, my little sister. Care to introduce me to your team ?

- Of course, the pink-haired one is Sakura and the Emo is Sasuke. You may call him Sasgay though. Guys, meet Tenten !


- Why are you angry ? That's not as if you really cared, is it ?

Sakura's face fell and Tenten had to hold in her laughter.

- Anyway, it's not here. Classroom 301 is on the third floor, let's go up.

They were about to leave when :

- Wait, Naru-chan, I'd like to go out with you !

- ... What ?...


- Geez, you put up with this everyday ? What are you, a banshee ?

- Hn.

- This is a mess.

- Let's go, we'll settle ... all this later, ok ?"

They climbed up the stairs, Lee staring at Sasuke and Sasuke staring at Naru. It was growing really uncomfortable but fortunately they finally reached the classroom.

There, they met Kakashi and Gai.

" - Hoho, would you look at that ! My eternal rival's team and mine are so youthfully walking together toward the exams that will test the great fire raging in their souls !

- Hi, you three ! Glad you all came, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to take the exams.

Sakura paled, realising that had she elected to drop out like she first intended to, Naru and Sasuke would have been so mad at her.

- Now, remember what you learned through all your missions and go ! I believe in every single one of you."

They all walked in, aside from Sakura who was standing there, persuaded her Sensei's words didn't include her. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her back.

" - Sakura. I know you're afraid. It's true you're not as strong as Naru or Sasuke, not yet. But choosing to take the exams while being aware of your weaknesses shows a great deal of courage. You have what it takes to become a good kunoichi, it's up to you whether or not you put this potential to use or not.

Just then, Naru came back and grabbed the pinkette's hand, leading her inside while filling her in on the few minutes she missed.

- That was such a youthful speech. Do you think she will heed your words ?

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