Bonus chapter - 3 : Suzuka's seals

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Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing great ! Today's chapter is about Suzuka's different seals. I know I've introduced a bunch of them without necessarily explaining them. So here we go !

Seals used during the bell test :

The light seal : it's a glowing seal. That's literally it, it just sheds a blinding light. It's simplicity can turn into an advantage as it makes it easier to combine it with other seals. It's rarely used on its own.

The shrieking seal : also dubbed 'Sakura' by Suzuka. A deafening sound that can be combined with the light seal to incapacitate one's senses. Can also be used for pranks. The range and the frequency can be modulated.

The disappearance seal : it's a construction made of three other seals : a field seal, a chakra suppressing seal and a dimensional seal. It allows the maker of the seal to make a specific area and everything within disappear from the dimension they're in. To be precise, the area is sent out of the space time continuum. This must be used from a long range though because it causes distortions all around the specific area that disappeared so a jōnin would be able to detect the anomaly.

The field seal : a seal that encloses an area and renders it impenetrable and impermeable.  Different modulations can regulate the direction of the permeabilisation. It is possible for instance to block the entrance of people/item/chakra from the outside to the inside but the opposite also is possible, though trap seals are preferred in such cases.

The chakra suppressing seal : the strength of such a seal depends on the maker's and a potential pursuer's ability. This seal will never be able to fully cover one's chakra so the type of chakra and the quantity of chakra used are key factors in the efficiency of the seal. Sage chakra is particularly effective for those.

The dimensional seal : a tricky seal that needs to be done perfectly. If not, the best you will face is a lack of effect, the worst being being trapped out space and time. It's a component of the Hiraishin seal.

The Rōgoku seal : [牢獄] - prison. A seal that binds the target with heavy chains similar to those used by the Uzumaki clan. It shares said chains' properties as it can bind even chakra and can't be escaped with brute strength.

Seals used during the wave mission :

The storage seal : a seal used to pack any item into a scroll most of the time. It can be used on other surfaces but it's risky for rookies as sometimes, if the seal isn't sturdy enough, it will break and the item will appear within the recipient. Cases of shinobi harming themselves due to body seals breaking and releasing kunai, shuriken or needles inside their body have been reported. The limit of storage is defined by the ability and chakra reserves of the seal maker.

The transfer seal : this one was actually created by Suzuka herself. It's seal that can transfer any seal it's superposed with to a surface it touches. A prime example is the Hiraishin : anything that gets into contact with Suzuka's body will touch the transfer seal. Said seal being linked to a variety of other seals, it can imprint them on the surface that got into contact with it. She also used it during the Forest of death exam to transfer the barrier seal from her sole to the ground. Combined with a chakra suppressing seal makes almost undetectable for the person that might be marked.

The Hiraishin : the jutsu created by the Nidaime Hokage and taken to an even greater level by the Yondaime. This requires an intricate seal of those components : space time, translational transport and "anchoring". Space time sets the context for the seal, allowing you to define the location and time to travel to. Translational transport is the component that allows you to actually travel (the fact of changing your position). Anchoring is a term that refers to the stability of your position. In other words, anchoring is necessary to ensure the designated space time points won't fluctuate and that the travel will anchor in reality and not somewhere in between. Suzuka added a freedom degree to the space time component so that she doesn't have to land exactly on the seal mark of the Hiraishin. This led her to strengthen the anchoring component and it seems it's only thanks to her existence as a bijū that she can pull it off.

Seals used during the chūnin exams :

Before and during the first part :

The alarm-seal : just an idea Suzuka to help her big brother wake up on time... She threatened him with it and he did make some improvements later.

The space memory seal : a very old and almost forgotten seal. It makes it possible to imprint a seal anywhere in a place that has been thoroughly memorised. Because it asks incredibly detailed space memory, it's a very complicated seal to put in place. The actual seal rests within the brain (the hippocampus to be more specific) of the seal maker. The seal is then able to link the mental picture and the physical area through chakra. To put it simply, it allows you to project your chakra to any location you remember. It can be combined with any other seal or technique with great efficiency.

During the second part :

The Henge seal : a seal that creates an illusion changing the appearance of an item or a person. Unlike a usual henge, it takes fully destroying the seal for the illusion to break. However, one might be able to discern the trick if the seal gets damaged because it will start 'leaking' chakra.

The firework seal : a seal derived from the explosive tags and designed for signalling. The fireworks are actually made of chakra so they don't burn the surface they land on. The residues it creates can be used with a transfer seal.

The barrier seal : while it ressembles the field seal in its abilities, its functioning is fundamentally different. Indeed, a barrier seal will isolate a person rather than an area. This means the caster can move around without the barrier disappearing : there is a minimal distance between them and the barrier that must be respected and if the maker tries to go beyond that limit, the barrier will just move so it will fit. That also means a barrier seal tends to be less sturdy than a field one. Barrier seals can also be used to bind a person.

The paralysis seal : as the name says, it stuns the opponent though they remain conscious. Very practical for interrogations.

Before and during the third part :

Summoning : a contract enables you to call forth any beast included in said contract. Those are viewed as partnerships and winning the trust and acknowledgement of the summons is crucial for that technique to work. The seal for this is a standardised one and will automatically appear once the contract has been signed. However, good knowledge of seals  usually makes it easier to perform the summoning.

The chakra drain : an idea Suzuka got after her battle against Akādo Yoroi during the preliminary exams. This seal is designed to drain someone's chakra by 'highjacking' their flow system. The importance of the draining can be modulated.
That's it for this time ! The rest of the seals will be introduced in another bonus chapter. Also, if some of the strategies used the previous chapters still seem unclear to you, I can make a chapter to explain them. With that said, have a nice day everyone, hope you enjoyed !

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