...Kevin Atwater My Hero...

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"Morning Sargeant Platt," I greet the desk Sargeant as I enter the building.

"My, my, ain't you looking fresh," she says glancing at me with a grin. Not that I want to brag or something, but I think I'm one of her favorite officers. "Ready for today?"

I nod as she lead me to the bullpen to buzz me in. When I reach the bullpen everyone turned to face me, grinning.

"Finally, took you long enough," my brother says next to me. "Thought that you got lost somewhere on your way here." I gasp, pretending to be offended shock and punch him in his shoulder. I think a little too hard, because the next thing I know he he charges towards me as I take a step to the side, sending him running in the wall.

"Stupid brother," I mutter crossing my arms and shaking my head. He glares at me playfully, and I glare back. At the sound of Kevin clearing his throat, I turn towards him with a grin.

"Finally, I was starting to think you two would kill each other with those glares," he rolls his eyes.

"Maybe next time," I say glaring at my brother again before I turn back to Kevin to give him a fist bump

"Annabelle?" I hear a very familiar voice behind me.

"Hey, Hailey," I say grinning as she gave me a very tight hug.

"How are you?" She asks.

"Aside from being the world's biggest jerk's sibling, I'm doing quite fine, great actually, I'm starting a new job and so on," I say with a grin.

"Really?!" She practically screams as I flinch to cover my ears as I nod in response.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at work then?" She frowns.

"I am at my new job," I shrug. She cocks an eyebrow in confusion. I turn to look at the others, all of them grinning. "Think it through Hailey, I got a new job... I am at work... So that means-"

Before I can say anything further she interrupts me, "Your working here now? Oh my gosh! This is great! I can't believe it! Wait, why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to surprise you," I shrug. She gave me an even tighter hug, and I'm pretty sure she cracked something. Rocking on the balls of our feet, we turn in circles as me hugged. This was such a funny gesture, I started chuckling. When we finally broke apart I turned to the sound of an also familiar voice.

"You ready for your first day, Ruzek," Sergeant Hank Voight asks, leaning on his doorframe. He looked very intimidating most of the times when I saw him, but today he looked kind.

"Yes," both Adam and I say together. Cooking an eyebrow, I looked at him, along with all the others.

"Oh, you meant Annabelle, sorry," he said sheepishly. The whole team burst out laughing while I roll my eyes.

"Don't worry, we'll figure something out for the two of you. Welcome to the team Annabelle Ruzek," Sergeant Voight says in a chuckle. The whole team erupt in cheers and laughter. That's when I saw him for the first time today. Jay Halstead was sitting at his desk clapping and cheering for me along with the others.

"God, Please help us, now that we have two Ruzeks in this unit," Antonio prays jokingly and I roll my eyes. Jay was still sitting at his desk looking at the group. He didn't once stand up out of that chair. 

"Now for initiation," Antonio says and everyone looks at me with a grin.

"What?" I ask.

"As a new member of our Intelligence Unit, we have a few things for you to do, just like freshman year and first year at the academy," Antonio continues with a smirk.  

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