Jay, you're hopeless!

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"Jay, you're hopeless!" I say throwing my hands in the air. We've been in the arena for an hour now, to teach Jay how to ride. But like I said. He's hopeless.

"Jeez, thanks for the encouragement," Jay says rolling his eyes at me. He looked realy good on a horse, he just needs to learn to ride it. Nightlock neigh's in discomfort and I grab her reins and pat her so that she can calm down.

"Jay, she feels your discomfort, that's why you struggle to control her. Calm yourself down. She can't hurt you, unless you hurt her first," I say looking Jay in the eyes.

"How do you now I'm uncomfortable? I'm not uncomfortable," Jay defends and I give him a skeptical look.

"Well for starters, you're squeezing the reins to hard, you're jaw is clenched most of the time, you squeeze the poor life out of her with your legs and you should see your face," I say patting his thigh. I scrunch up my face in confusion for a moment,  before I turn back to Jay. How am I so observant all of a sudden?

"How does my face look like?" He asks and I started chuckling.

"Like a constipated donkey or something," I say and started to giggle at his reaction.

"Excuse me? What did you just say," he asks in mock offense. "If you think it's so easy, why are you not riding?"

"Because I'm trying to learn a hopeless constipated donkey how to ride a horse," I say suppressing my giggles. The look on his face was hilarious.

"Donkeys can't ride horses, you know," he says with a frown. You can see he really wants to laugh, but he's trying to hide it.

"Why do you think I'm calling you a donkey then?" I started giggling and he pretends to be offended before he chuckles. "Okay well, we should start to get going. Try again, but calm down a little and just relax, Nightlock is the friendliest horse around here, okay?"

Jay nods and I lead them a little bit before I left him to deal with the horse. I climbed onto the railings around the arena as I watch him dealing with Nightlock. He's starting to ease his tension a little bit at a time. "Jay, Nightlock is your friend!" I call out to him from the other side. He nods a little clearly in focus mode. He looked so damn good in his swim shorts and a t-shirt.

When he came by after breakfast, he didn't understand why he should wear swimming clothes and I still didn't tell him why he should wear it either. This is part of my payback for earlier. I was currently wearing jean shorts and a maroon crop top over my cute maroonish bikini. I don't know what made me decide on a bikini, but here I am now wearing one.

 I don't know what made me decide on a bikini, but here I am now wearing one

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Jay was starting to get the hang off it now that he's a lot more relaxed. Nightlock also looked at ease now and looked like she was starting to enjoy it. Jay came to a stop next to me and smirked, "How's this for a donkey?"

I giggled, "Congrats! You're no longer a donkey." He chuckled and climbed off of Nightlock.

"Okay, what now?" He asked as he held onto Nightlock's reins.

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