"This is the one and Only Adam Ruzek's phone. You have reached my voice-mail, which means one of two things. One, I'm really busy at work as a badass cop. Or two, I really don't want to talk to you so I'm just ignoring your calls. Anyway, just leave a message after the tone... that I probably won't listen to, but thanks for the effort!"
"Adam! You better answer your damn phone!" I all but yell to no one specifically, after pressing the decline button to end the call. All morning, I have been trying to call him, but I just reach his stupid and annoying voice-mail. Looking at the screen, fear and worry starts bubbling inside me.
16 calls.
50 messages.
No answer from Adam.
Something is definitely wrong.
Adam and I made a promise to each other that no matter how angry or annoyed you are with each other, you always let the person know you're okay. Atleast then the person can go to sleep in peace, knowing that they still have a chance to make peace.
"Everything okay?"
Jay was standing in front of the couch in his running clothes. He went out early morning for a run.
"You seriously went out for a run in this weather?" I asked.
Between last night when we went to sleep and this morning when we woke up, the weather decided to bring a whole cold front to Chicago.
37° F.
And this man decided it would be really refreshing to go for a run.
It's official. This man is crazy.
"Of course I did," he grinned. That grin immediately fell into a frown, "Don't try and change the subject. What's wrong?"
Sighing a heavy sigh, I throw my phone to his direction before bringing the blanket over my arms and shoulders and snuggled with my teddy.
He caught the phone with one hand and chuckled, "Don't like the Winter, don't you?"
"Only when there's hot chocolate and Christmas."
He smiled and opened my phone. He looked confused for a moment, but then his eyes widened, "You called your brother 16 times?"
"And texted him 50 messages," I add, my voice muffled by the blankets.
"Are you crazy?"
"No. Maybe."
He blinked at me.
"Jay, I'm worried."
"About you being crazy?"
"No, about my brother."
"I'm sure he's fine," he said reassuringly.
"He's not fine," I answered. "If he was fine, he would've just left me on read. The texts didn't even go through. What if-"
"Annabelle," Jay interrupted me. "I'm sure he's fine. Look, I'm going to work, when I see him I'll let you know and tell him to call you."
Jay doesn't understand. Adam's phone is always on. His messages always go through. He will always let me know if he's okay.
Instead of disagreeing with Jay, I just nod.
"Okay, I have to finish up and get to work," Jay said. "I'll come around during my break. Please don't walk around too much with that leg of yours, remember you just got out of hospital. If you need anything just call."
I give him a slight nod, before yawning. It's only yesterday that I got out of hospital, yet I get extremely tired very easily.
"I can see those meds are starting to work," Jay chuckled, voicing my thoughts.

Dancing With Chicago - Chicago PD
FanfictionAnnabelle Ruzek, the younger sister of Adam Ruzek, starts working for the Famous Intelligence Unit of District 21 of Chicago, Her dream finally coming true. She's smart, observant, quickthinking and has a way of understanding things about cases no o...