"Never ever do that to me again! Got that?"
"Yes, ma'am," my brother saluted me. I embrace him in a hug and he winces. He has a few bruised ribs and a few cuts, but other than that he's perfectly fine. I insisted that he stays with me and Jay in my apartment. He tried his best to protest, but I didn't budge. Reluctantly he complied.
Jay was out late, finishing up with reports, so Adam and I decided to wince our way through a movie. Every time one of us moved during the movie, we winced in pain. Quick heads up: when a doctor puts you on bedrest after you nearly died, please comply.
I feel sick and so sore after today. And the best of all is I didn't do much!
My head was throbbing, my palms are bruised after using crutches all day that Kim insisted I should use. My leg was patronizing me with a constant thump and my arm had this muscle burn in it, even though I haven't used it at all.
"You're and idiot," I mumbled.
He chuckled, "But you love this idiotic brother."
"No, I don't!"
"Yes you do!"
"Since when?"
"Should I take you back to your hospital room?" he asked cockily. I narrowed my eyes at him, but my fierce look quickly melted when I started yawning. "You should rest."
"You too," I retort with another yawn.
"I'll rest if you will too," he said, throwing the blanket over me. He winced at the act.
"Fine." I mumbled, pulling the blanket over me.
Adam and I had a little talk earlier over everything that happened. He told me that he just wanted to bring me the justice I deserved and that's why he opened my case again. Luckily that case finally closed today when Voight and the team invaded the abandoned hospital. They caught Rondal and managed to bring his whole gang down.
My theory turned out to be right. He went after me because of the death of his wife that saved my mother. When he couldn't get to me, he went after my brother and so he would climb through every member of our family until he got what he wanted. What that was, I didn't know, and he certainly didn't want to explain at all.
I remember his smug look when he saw me limping into the interrogation room. Of course it's not part of desk duty, but I managed to persuade Voight into asking Rondal why he was so obsessed with me.
Jay got a bruise on his cheek. Apparently he was pursuing one of Rondal's men and eventually it ended in a fist fight. Of course, with Jay being a former Ranger, Jay managed the situation with ease and the guy was not only arrested for participating in a crime, but also assaulting a police officer.
Kim broke down in tears at the sight of Adam, but she was very relieved to see him in one piece.
I started thinking of everything our team has been through since I joined. It seems like a decade ago, when I first walked into the Precinct. I smiled at the memory of Kevin's initiation and Jay's little tutu fiasco outside the building to get me on a date with him.
Huh, we never had that date.
Adam was asleep next to me on the couch, when Jay came into view. His eyes darted at Adam's figure, before approaching me quietly. He gave me a lingering kiss, and when we parted, he smiled down at me, "Hey."
"Hey," I whispered back.
"What you thinking about?" he asked as he helped me off the couch and into my room.
"Nothing," I shrugged teasingly.
"Come on, Bella. There has to be something. You always make this face when you're thinking of something," he said.

Dancing With Chicago - Chicago PD
Fiksi PenggemarAnnabelle Ruzek, the younger sister of Adam Ruzek, starts working for the Famous Intelligence Unit of District 21 of Chicago, Her dream finally coming true. She's smart, observant, quickthinking and has a way of understanding things about cases no o...