Love's a strong word...

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°♡ Annabelle's POV ♡ °

I wake up to soft snoring sounds next to me. I don't know how long I was out for, but as I opened my eyes and looked over to the window of my room, I realized it was already dark.

I looked around me to find the snoring culprit, and when I found him, I smiled. The couch for the visitors was pushed right against my bed and on the couch was a sleeping Jay, with his hand holding mine. Well, he was holding my good hand atleast.

I squeezed his hand gently, just to see if he's in a deep sleep or something. He shuffled a little bit, but still didn't wake up. I shifted in my bed so that I can lie on my good side and face him. He looked so peaceful when he's asleep. To be honest he looked so damn cute.

But something just changed right now. His face contorted into a frown or something like that and he started shifting around where he was lying. Then came the very faint groans and moans and I realized his having a nightmare.

I squeezed his hand a little harder than last time, but he didn't wake up. I started whispering his name over and over, but yet again... didn't wake up. He just kept getting worse and worse, and that's when I started shaking his hand. I feel so useless with only one good arm.

I called his name even harder now. After about the fifth time of calling his name and shaking his arm as hard as I could, he jerked up with bloodshot eyes and was panting for air. Cold sweat trickled down his forehead and he jerked his hand away from mine.

"Jay," I say calmly. "It's okay, you can calm down now."

"You're awake," he said in between his panting.

"Yes, but you need to calm down," I say reaching my hand out for the blanket so that I could wipe his forehead. Unfortunately, his head was out of reach, so I placed the blanket back down. I hate injuries, especially when I can't do the things I want to do.

He swung his legs of the couch and placed them in between the narrow space of the couch and bed. "Did I wake you?" He asked. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you-"

"You didn't wake me," I cut him off. "I was awake, but I didn't want to wake you."

"I'm sorry," he smiles lightly. "Well- uh, Hey."

I laugh, "Hey."

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been shot, and like I've been sleeping for a century - How long was I out for?"

"Adam said you woke up somewhere around noon," he said as he pulled his phone out. "And it's just past midnight. So I'd say around twelve hours."

"Twelve hours?!" I shout whisper, since my voice can't go really loud at the moment.

"Yeah, we tried to wake you up earlier in the evening, but you slept so deep and looked so cute. Will said that it's the meds that they gave you," he shrugged.

"They're gonna have to give me something else next time, because I'm not gonna be sleeping for another twelve hours," I state simply and Jay just chuckles. Even though he chuckled, I could see that something was bothering him. I squeezed his hand, "You okay?"

"Yeah, just," he trailed off with a shrug. There was a long silence, before he broke down in a sob, "I... I thought I lost you."

"Jay," I say quietly as my heart broke. I never thought that he would actually... I don't know... cry about losing me. Does he really care this much about me?

I push myself up into a sitting position. Ignoring the pain that flared up in my side. I took his hand and pulled him up so that he can sit on the bed, and I ingulfed him in a hug as he kept crying on my shoulder. I never knew he could be such a softie.

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