After spending an hour or so at the ice-cream shop, everyone decided to come over to my place. Why, I don't know. Sammy didn't want to ride with me and Hailey, but rather with Jay and Adam. I wasn't very fond about it, but eventually agreed with it. I was the one who made sure Sammy was buckled up in Jay's backseat and that the childlocks were on.
Hailey and I just climbed into my car and I leaned back into my seat, feeling a headache coming up. Don't know why though.
"You okay," Hailey asks and I nod in return as I start the car. "So to carry on with our conversation of earlier. Jay called me this morning and told me everything about last night. And just so you know, he asked me what takeaways you like, anyway, he told me that everything was going good until he leaned down to kiss you, and you turned away. Why the hell would you do that?"
"Wait stop, he told you that? Why?" I ask.
"Because he knows I'm your best friend and he trusts me, since we were partners until you came along," she replied. It makes a little sense, but I still don't think it's right that he tells the whole world what we're up to. You should keep private things private.
"Oh, okay."
"You still didn’t answer my question."
"Do I have to?"
"But what if I don't want to?"
"Well, sorry for you then, but you're going to answer it anyways. Why didn't you want to kiss him?"
I shrug, "I don't know."
"Oh no, I think you do know," she laughs dryly.
"What are you? Some kind of mind reader or something?"
"Maybe, but answer my question honestly, please. And don't you dare say I don't know, 'cause then I'll slap you right here and then."
"I," I trailed off. Why didn't I just kiss him? What harm would it have done? A lot of harm actually. He doesn't even like me to start with. Even though Hailey says it, it doesn't mean it's true. You shouldn't lend your ears out to anybody. That's a big lesson I've learned in my life.
"You? I'm waiting. For the record, what is said in the car stays in the car, so you can trust me." She says softly.
Suddenly, I know my reason. "I'm... I'm scared," I say quietly, my voice barely above a whisper.
"But you don't have to be," she says, placing a hand on my thigh.
"You know, I've never trusted any man ever since the day I was rescued. No man except my brother and father. Do you know what it's like in that box with nothing but -" I trail off as I close my eyes when we came to a stop at a traffic light. "What they put me through every hour of the day, every day of the week, I never want to encounter ever again. So my answer is I'm scared. I'm scared of getting hurt." My voice broke.
"Hey hey, relax. Look, Jay is a really nice guy okay? If he wasn't, I wouldn't have told him that you like burgers, okay? Calm down, I'm not making you do anything. All I'm saying is, don't let what happened in the past keep you from moving forward and enjoying life. Okay? You should follow your heart," she finishes with a small smile.
"Thank you Hailey."
"Okay enough with this emotional crap. Let's get some music on the radio. What do you wanna listen to? How about, Call me maybe, by Rae Jepsen?" She says fiddling with my phone. I nod and she started playing music.
When we reached the parking lot at my apartment, Jay and Adam were not yet there. I parked my car and waited for them to arrive. It wasn't long though until we saw Jay's car parking next to us. We climbed out and head to them.

Dancing With Chicago - Chicago PD
FanfictionAnnabelle Ruzek, the younger sister of Adam Ruzek, starts working for the Famous Intelligence Unit of District 21 of Chicago, Her dream finally coming true. She's smart, observant, quickthinking and has a way of understanding things about cases no o...