Where Are The Ladies?

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This story starts just after the Avengers have taken the sceptre from Strucker in Age of Ultron but is still based in 2021 just so I don't have to worry about being culturally correct for 2015 times. Oh and Nat knows about her family and is currently trying to locate them.

It's the night of Tony's party. Spirits are high despite the looming danger from the Enhanced twins the Avengers encountered in Sokovia, but people are eager to forget their troubles and drink through the night. Stark Tower is beautifully lit, music is flowing from the speakers - a nice jazzy mood - and everyone is dressed to impress.

I stood in the mirror of my new room, smoothing down my dress and fixing my eyeliner. I squirmed under the thought of meeting so many new people and them assessing me and my body. I was never told that I was unattractive, but I was certainly known for my brains and not my looks. Still, I sighed and slipped into my black booties and grabbed the leather jacket hanging on the back of my door that I so often hid under. With one last spritz of perfume, I walked out of the room I am now supposed to call home.
Tony had told me not to worry, the Avengers were just normal people like me.
Normal? Like me?
He had told me stories about everyone that I recounted as I stepped into the glass elevator and watched the party-goers get closer and closer. I spotted Thor, the literal God, tell a story swinging his hammer and letting out his booming laugh. A very less green version of the Hulk, Banner, I must call him Banner, was talking with the proud face of Steve Rogers, the global icon besides Taylor Swift. Clint was animately talking to Maria, whom I had become acquainted with a few days ago and had taken a friendly liking to, as I stepped out of the doors and into the lion's cage. Tony met me with a bow as I scoffed but relaxed at his familiar face as I scanned the room for the only Avenger I hadn't seen yet. Tony had told me stories about Natasha Romanoff, the cold assassin who quite frankly terrified me. I didn't expect her to be my friend at any point, Tony had told me she was a pretty private person and only really trusted Steve, which I could understand... I mean he was Captain America. But I was still eager to catch a glimpse of her just so I could match a face to the name and all could be put to rest.

Meanwhile Natasha POV:
I sidled up to the bar where Bruce was sat, slipped under the side and started pouring him a drink. Recently, it seemed that I was the only one that could de-Hulk him, and I had a feeling we were growing closer. I didn't question it as I was glad I was finally allowing myself to open up to someone if only a little. I mean, it had taken me long enough, I recruited Bruce three years ago but it took me two to tell him my real name, Natalia Alianovna Romanoff, and even then a regretted telling him as he brushed it off as another alias. But the name meant so much more than that to me, it was my past, all of the good and bad that came with it, something I deep down knew I needed to share with someone but I guess not Bruce.
I brushed these feelings aside as jittery nerves as I felt his eyes on me as I poured the gin into a glass.
"How'd a nice girl like you wind up working in a dump like this?" He smirked at me.
"Fella done me wrong." I sighed back to him, playing along.
"You got lousy taste in men, kid." He laughed back.
I smiled and winked back but my stomach dropped as I crouched down to get olives from the bottom shelf. I could feel myself getting worked up about what he said as questions filled my head, confusing me, but then I heard my friend Maria's voice start to talk to Bruce, of which I was so thankful for, so I regained myself and placed the olives in the martini glass.
"It's just a bit boring really" I caught her saying before she raised her voice over the music
"I mean where are the ladies gentlemen!" She said with a flourish of her hand and a giggle as Bruce and Thor who had walked over to the commotion shrugged and sighed with her same frustration.
Thor spun his head round to where the elevator doors were and smirked as he said:
"Maria, I think your wish has been heard" as a young woman walked in holding onto Tony's arm.

Walking down the steps on Tony's arm I felt eyes turn to me as I blushed under their gazes. Many people smiled at me kindly as we walked through the room glancing around at everyone trying to recognise people.
"What do you think kid?" Tony asked. He had taken to calling me kid despite the fact I was 22. I liked it as I never had a father figure in my life and Tony had taken me under his wing after hiring me three weeks ago.
"Oh it's so extravagant, I think Gatsby would be jealous!" You laughed, knowing that this is exactly what he wanted to hear.
"Oh stop Y/N, you're too kind" he rejoiced as he flicked my arm. "Let's head over to the bar for a drink".
I nodded, grateful for the distraction, even though I didn't drink, I didn't like not being in control.
My breath hitched as we turned the corner and I saw someone walking towards me...

Natasha POV:
I heard Tony's laugh echo through the room and I cocked my head in interest wondering who he was with that could make him laugh that freely.
"Thor! Thor!" I hissed to the god who was obviously enjoying watching the scene unfold until I broke his hypnotic state.
"Yes Lady Natasha!" I rolled my eyes as he called me that, he only called me that when he was playing with me.
"Well what my young lady?"
"Who do you see?"
"See for yourself" he replied beckoning me to where he was standing.
I started moving towards him, my subtle curiosity growing until I saw her.

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now