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We had spent our last days in Paris with Yelena before we had to part ways. I was really glad that I got to spend time with both Natasha and her sister, it was refreshing to see her so relaxed, and, Yelena showed me many cute photos from their time together. Our plane journey home mimicked our journey there, with me falling asleep after watching a film and having Natasha wake me up as we landed at JKF. I noticed Natasha was more on edge as we approached Stark towers but I didn't say anything as I knew she would just deny it and then make it awkward for both of us. Instead, I pushed the worry down as I got excited to see my friends again.


The lift started to rise as did my emotions, I was so happy and excited to see my friends after so long, but I also felt grief for our trip away. Natasha and I had both become such different people together, and I expected that this was going to change when we were put back into the Avenger's vibe. The lift sprung open and before I had a chance to take a second step out, I was engulfed by Wanda, who was a giggling mess.

"Y/N! I missed you so much!" Wanda screeched in my ear as I saw Natasha slip away towards Steve who was smiling at us both. I picked Wanda up and span her around before placing her back in front of me.

"I missed you too! We have so much to talk about!" I giggled back at her, feeling so refreshed in her presence.

"Oh, you bet we do. But first," she paused, pulling me around the corner into the living room. "Merry Christmas!"

I gaped at everyone who was standing around a massive shining Christmas tree. Tony was grinning as he wore a suit covered in bows, and Bucky and Sam were pulling a cracker until Bucky won, causing Sam to curse profanities and storm off.

"You guys!" I managed to utter as I took in my surroundings. 

"We promised you a proper Christmas, so here it is." Tony smiled at Natasha and me, but we were both still very much shellshocked. My heart felt like it was going to burst and I could feel tears threatening to cascade down my face. Natasha saw this and started to make her way towards me but stopped, remembering that no one apart from Wanda and Steve knew about us. Instead, Tony pulled me into a hug as I wrapped my arms around his broad body, taking in the scent of his aftershave. 

"I missed you kid," he whispered into my ear. 

"I missed you too," I giggled back, appreciating this show of emotion. "Where's Pep?"

"You'll have to turn around and find out!" Her voice rang clearly through the room as I rushed towards her and embraced her in my arms. "Hey, darling."

I simply nuzzled my head into her neck, absorbing her coconut aroma as the time seemed to slow. I didn't want to say anything to ruin the moment, but I really felt like Tony and Pepper had taken me under their wings and made me their daughter, but this was too weird to say at a late Christmas party.

"Did Nat take care of you while you were away?" Pepper asked, narrowing her eyes towards my girlfriend, who had started to smile, but it didn't reach her eyes, before uttering her first words.

"Y/N actually took care of me most of the time." I blushed but held my composure as all eyes landed on me. I took my time to explain our mission, and by the end of my story, everyone was sat on the sofas, seemingly enwrapped by the events.

"So you're telling us you used a Taylor Swift song title as a false identity? Y/N you amaze me sometimes," Sam laughed out, prompting the others to also laugh. I glanced sideways at Natasha, but she was not focused on the conversation, but on Nick Fury who had walked in halfway through my recount. 

"The point is," his loud voice boomed out as everyone turned to look at him, "Y/N and Natasha got the job done and we're very glad they're back safe. Natasha, a word?"

She nodded silently as she rose to join him, following him into a nearby office. I tore my eyes away from that worrying sight and placed it back on my friends who were still bubbly and excitable. Wanda dragged us all into the dining room to make us eat all the food she had prepared, and I was certainly hungry for it. With the distraction of Wanda's food and my friend's good company, as well as observing Vision and Wanda's interactions, I didn't notice that it took Natasha an hour to get back to us. When she did she looked tired, and sat in a chair further away from me and avoided everyone's eye contact, picking at her food and playing with my ring on her finger. Sam and Bucky soon brought my spirits up as they whipped insults and jokes at each other, causing my cackle to emerge from within. Despite the strange looks I got from many of the dinner party members, I couldn't help it, I was happy to be back.

"By the way, Y/N, the pipe in your room is fixed so you can move back in there." Tony informed me as Natasha and I made our way up the stairs.

"Oh cool, thanks Tony." I said, trying to mask my hurt. Maybe Natasha will ask me to move into her room, I thought to myself.

"Tony, could you help Y/N with her stuff, I need to talk to Steve quickly," Natasha spoke, not looking at me until she gave me a stiff smile before turning away.

"Guess it's just me and you, kid." Tony offered me a warm smile that I couldn't help but return.

After ten minutes of moving my belongings back into my room, Tony whipped out a small box and tentatively gave it to me with a look saying, 'Go on, open it.' I opened it and gasped, it was a framed photo of Tony, Pepper and me on my first night at Stark towers, the same night I met Natasha. I looked back up at him and saw tears in his eyes. 

"Merry Christmas, kid. Pepper and I have something to say." I furrowed my brow in confusion until Pepper walked into my room, smiling softly.

"Pep, what's going on?" I ask, genuinely stumped at what is going on. She walked forward, taking Tony's hand in one and mine in the other.

"Y/N, I'm pregnant."

My heart exploded with joy as I rushed to hug them both, all of us breaking down into tears.

"I'm so so so happy for you both. You're going to be great parents."

"That's just it Y/N," Tony interjected, pulling Pepper closer to him as I observed them both. "We feel like we already are." My mouth became dry as I took in their words and looked into their loving eyes.

"We'd love nothing more than for you to be a sister to our baby, if you're willing," Pepper giggled through her tears as my mouth fell open.

"Are you kidding me?" I looked furiously between the two as I experienced an overwhelming feeling of belonging.

"You know me kid, I never joke." Pepper elbowed Tony in the stomach. "I don't joke about serious things." Tony corrected himself.

"Yes, yes, yes!" I screamed, jumping back into their arms. "You guys are the best parents a girl like me could have ever wished for, and I would love nothing more than to have a little brother or sister." I had now been fully consumed by tears, and Pepper bent down to kiss my cheek, pulling me closer to her as we stood in my room, letting a comfortable silence form around us. 

"Y/N I need to talk to- Oh my god I'm so sorry for interrupting." Natasha had walked into my room but stopped at the sight of our tears clad faces.

"No, no, Nat, it's fine, Y/N will explain," Pepper giggled as she kissed my cheek once more before taking Tony with her who was winking at me as he left. I stood in my happiness until I realised that neither of us where speaking, and Natasha was looking at me confused.

"Pepper is pregnant!" I revealed, unable to contain my excitement any longer.

"Oh, that's wonderful! I bet their baby is going to be both beautiful and smart, a bit like you, actually." Natasha's unusually soft voice made me remember why she came here.

"So, what did you want to talk about, Tasha?" I smiled, trying to look into her eyes and figure out what it was, but her eyes were blank.

"I need to break up with you."

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now