Our Little Secret

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Natasha POV:

I woke to darkness, my legs still entwined with Y/N's. I smiled to myself, reliving last nights events, the way her lips felt on mine, how she breathed into my ear. I felt eyes on me as I rolled over and saw that Y/N was also awake.

"Hey" she whispered, using her spare hand to brush hair out of my face. I blushed under her soft touch and moved closer so that our noses were almost touching. We stayed like this for a few minutes, staring into each other's eyes, learning every feature of the other's face. Suddenly, Y/N convulsed, pain filling her face, as she clutched her stomach. My hands were soon by the side of her face, stroking it, trying to give her some comfort.

"What is it?" I queried, scanning her face for any hints.

"I.. don't.. know" she managed to word, her discomfort clearly growing.

"We need to get you to the lab," I said, jumping out of bed. She looked up at me from the bed, her eyes yearning for help. Knowing what to do, I bent down and scooped her up and into my arms, as she wrapped hers around my neck, leaning her head into my neck.

"JARVIS, alert Bruce please."

"Of course, Miss Romanoff."

I heard Y/N moan as I walked out of my door preparing herself to see my old fling.

"We don't need to tell him anything Y/N, he knows you're staying on my couch."

"What about my lipstick on your neck," she joked, surprising me that she still had humour at a time like this.

"Shit," I whispered, but she shocked me by starting to kiss my neck, everywhere where she had graced me last night.

"There, all gone." she sighed, settling back down as we made our way into the lab. I laid her down on one of the medical beds and waited for Bruce. I glanced at the time, 3.58 am and wished that I was back in bed with Y/N until a bout of coughing brought my attention back to her on the medical bed. She sat up, her throat constricting as she struggled to breathe until Bruce rushed in and stuck a needle in her arm.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, but I calmed down as I saw that it was helping her. I turned gratefully to Bruce, who was already drawing blood from her arm and soothing her down.

Walking to the blood analyzer, Bruce spoke his first words, directed at me.

"What happened?"

I glanced at Y/N, but she shook her head, telling me to not share.

"I woke up to go to the bathroom and I saw that she was sleeping fine on my couch, but when I came back she was doubled over in pain. I picked her up and brought her here."

Bruce nodded, and replied, "Thank goodness you were awake Nat, if she was on her own who knows what could've happened."

To this, Y/N let out a small laugh which in turn made me smile, but she soon covered it up with a cough as Bruce looked confused. After making sure that the tests were running, he started walking towards the door. "I'll be back in a few hours when they're done, but she should be fine for now, the medication she keep her stable. Just make sure to keep her relaxed."

As he turned out of the room and span around to face Y/N, and smiled; "I think I can think of ways to do that."

She giggled, and open her arms, signalling for me to join her. I glanced around, making sure that no one else was awake, and then crept onto her bed. This time I was the big spoon, whispering sweet nothings in her ear as she hummed back. Every now and then she shifted, making herself comfortable again until one time she couldn't. She sat up looking apologetic, but I offered her a grin, and I saw her melt into my eyes, restarting the butterflies in my stomach.

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now