Queen of my Heart

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"Tasha! You did not!" I shrieked at my girlfriend who was smirking at me as the lift descended.

"Happy birthday, baby."

I stared at her until she had to push me out of the lift. As I stumbled into the living room my eyes fell on my favourite woman in the entire world (disregarding Tasha obviously), Taylor Swift. She smiled warmly at me as turned away from talking to Tony, and started walking towards me. Her arms opened and I just had to give her a hug.

"Hi, Y/N! It's so great to meet you. Happy birthday, by the way!" Taylor giggled as she looked at my face which was permanently fixed in shock. "Hey, Nat!" Taylor waved at Tasha and she returned it, looking very relaxed despite being in the presence of a god.

"Y/N, baby, you have to say something," Natasha nudged me in the ribs as she whispered at me. I snapped and immediately started talking.

"Right. Hi! Sorry, Taylor, just a bit starstruck and also very confused as to how and why you are here right now."

Taylor giggled as she looked between Tony and Natasha. "It's hard to say no, Y/N, when Iron Man asks you to visit his daughter for her birthday." I smiled at Tony who winked back, a pleasant feeling in my stomach forming as I learnt that he called my his daughter to other people. "And besides, I had been wanting to meet you for a while now, Joe has said quite a bit about you."

"Really? But I don't even know Joe, the only thing we have in common is our secondary school, but he was years above me." 

"Yeah, but when one of the smartest girls in the world is an alumnus of your favourite school that he visits quite regularly, embarrassingly regularly, you get to hear about them a lot." We both laughed as Tony beckoned us over to the sofa.

"So, Y/N, Nat, what are you favourite songs of Taylor's?" Tony asked, wanting to make conversation.

"Tony! You don't just ask Y/N what her favourite Taylor song is in front of Taylor! We'll be here all day!" Natasha scolded Tony who simply smirked back, leaning back in his seat.

"Tony, don't let Nat worry you, I'd love to hear. So Y/N, talk away!" Taylor shot daggers at Nat who was smirking, and I was just really confused at the casual nature in which the three spoke to each other.

"Um, well it's really hard to say. It obviously depends on my mood, oh, but I can tell you my top three favourite albums." Taylor nodded, asking me to continue. "Rep is number one, without a doubt. I'm sorry people made you think that it was a flop album, but it really changed pop culture."

"And it's where my favourite song is from!" Natasha interjected as she placed a hand on my thigh, making us giggle.

"It's 'Dress', obviously." I explained, seeing Taylor's confused face. "I mean, hello! Tasha is the living embodiment of that song."

"Did not need to hear that, Y/N!" Tony called over, covering his ears in disgust.

"Not in that way Tony, get your head out of the gutter!" Both Natasha and I shrieked at Tony, making Taylor laugh. The laugh brought us back to reality, and I continued making my list.

"Number two and three are 1989 and Folklore. I love the vibes of 1989, and I think Folklore is absolutely beautiful. It's also my study album, so if I'm ever working in the lab, I'm 90% of the time listening to it. Fun fact of the day."

The conversation continued for about an hour, just having a nice chat with Taylor before she had to leave. We hugged one last time before she got on the elevator and left the building. Tasha had to catch me as my legs buckled underneath me from relief. She scooped me up and carried me over to the kitchen counter, placing me on it and standing in between my legs. I snaked my arms around her neck as her hands rested on my thighs.

"Thank you so much, Tasha. That was amazing!"

"Anything for my baby," she giggled, leaning up to kiss me. I happily accepted, relishing in her soft touch on me. "I am still your favourite woman, right?"

I paused and decided to tease her. "I don't know, Tasha. I mean, since meeting Taylor, it has come to my attention how amazing she is, I think she may take the number 1 spot." I saw Natasha's jaw tighten and her grip on me relaxed, threatening to leave me. I broke into a smile and pulled her lips to mine. "I'm kidding, my love, no one could ever take your spot. You are my everything, Taylor could only dream of being half the woman you are."

"Don't let Taylor hear that," she giggled against my lips, her arms now snaking around my waist and picking me off the counter and placing me on the ground. "Now, we have reservations for seven, so go get ready and I'll meet you there." She smacked my ass as I walked towards to lift, smiling broadly until her face was out of view.


"Bye Wands!" I waved to my best friend as she started driving away from me. She had dropped me off at the restaurant I was meeting Natasha at before going to see Vision, something I forced her to do, claiming that it was her birthday present to me.

"Have fun, Y/N! Love you!"

I span around to face the front of the restaurant and made my way to the door. It was opened by a server who led me to my table once I told him who I was meeting. We strolled past a small stage where live performers were singing, and I smiled at the intimacy of the restaurant. As we walked around the corner my eyes landed on Tasha and I felt my stomach do a billion flips as I took in her appearance. She was wearing a beautiful pink silk dress and her red silky hair was flowing behind her. Her eyes lit up as she saw me walk towards her and she jumped up to hug me.

"You look beautiful, baby," Natasha cooed in my ear as she pulled away from me and led me to my seat.

"Tasha, you look insane. Insanely beautiful, that is," I giggled and settled into my seat opposite the most gorgeous woman on the planet. The servers were very attentive and within minutes we had drinks before us and food ordered. I gazed at Natasha, looking at how the candlelight made her skin look so soft and her eyes so green.

"Stop looking at me like that, Y/N," Tasha whispered, making me giggle.

"Is the birthday girl not allowed to look at her stunning girlfriend?" Tasha clamped her mouth shut, knowing that I had the upper hand here.  

We fell into gentle conversation over the course of our meal, which was delicious, until we were sat waiting for dessert. I had a small suspicion that Natasha had something planned, probably a cake, but I let her take the wheel, knowing how she liked to be in control. She shuffled in her seat, bringing my attention back to her. I saw her whip out a small rectangular box and hold it out to me.

"Happy birthday, Y/N." Natasha smiled softly, thrusting the box in my face when I didn't take it immediately.

"Tasha." I pulled the box from her hands and opened it slowly. When I did, I felt tears well up in my eyes. I pulled out a silver necklace with a rectangular charm on it, reading 'forever and always'. "Baby, I love it so much!" I stood up from my chair, and Tasha did the same, pulling her into a hug. She helped me put it on before reattaching herself to me. From the stage behind me, I heard a guitar chord start strumming but didn't think about it until I heard the singer start. I started to pull away from Natasha in order to turn around but she simply pulled me in closer and started to sway.

"Uh uh, baby, dance with me," she whispered in my ear as Taylor Swift sang our song.

The song finished and the restaurant applauded Taylor, but she was only focused on us, making her way over to me, who was now a sobbing mess. 

"I hate you both!" I cried at both Taylor and Natasha who were hugging before turning to me. 

"We know, Y/N," Taylor giggled, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Keep this one with you, she went through a lot to get me here tonight. I'll see you two around."

"I'm planning on it, I'm never letting you go" I spoke to Natasha, pulling her into a kiss. 

"I wouldn't let you, baby. We're stuck together forever."

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now