Going to the chapel

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The day had finally come, May 17th, the Stark wedding. Pepper was now about six months pregnant, but both Tony and Pepper were adamant about tying the knot before baby Morgan comes along. I was Pepper's maid of honour, and Natasha was Tony's best woman, so we hadn't been able to spend much time together in the weeks following up to the wedding. Now that everything was finally in place, we could both relax. As I was watching Pepper slip into her beautiful dress, I felt my phone vibrate.

Tasha: Can't wait to see how pretty you look today.

Can't wait to see how pretty you look tonight ;)

Tasha: Y/N, don't.

Am I making you nervous, darling?

Tasha: Stop.

Whatever you say, love.

Chuckling, I put my phone in my pocket - my dress has pockets!!! I could already see Tasha's blush and I could imagine her trying to control herself whilst in the boy's presence. 

Pepper's colour was green, a kind of sagey, sea colour, and Tony's was red. As bridesmaids, Wanda, Maria and I all had matching sage green silk dresses, and we wore white flowers in our hair. Pepper's wedding dress was the perfect fix of traditional and pretty, the white lace doing its best to hide her fairly prominent bump.

"Group selfie!" Wanda squealed, pulling us all around Pepper, capturing our smiling faces. I turned to the bride and gave her a reassuring smile.

"You are going to be amazing, Pepper. I promise you."

"Thank you, darling, for everything, we're so lucky to have you!"

"Aww, group hug," Wanda giggled and everyone complied, even Maria who was rolling her eyes at Wanda.

The bell rang as we lined up for our congregation. Wanda and Maria went first, walking down the aisle scattering white rose petals, and then it was my time. I stepped out and immediately felt everyone's eyes on me. I took a deep breath, put on a smile and started walking. The church, neither Pepper nor Tony were hugely religious but liked the idea of having the wedding here, was nothing less than extravagant, so the walk was fairly long. I smiled at numerous S.H.I.E.L.D agents as I saw them in their rows, and as I got halfway down, I finally saw Natasha. She was stood next to Tony wearing a black suit and a red lace bodysuit underneath. She looked incredible and as soon as I met her eyes, everything else melted away. She smiled at me which gave me the confidence to continue my walk to the end. I fist-bumped Tony as I turned away from him and took my place next to Wanda. As the piano started playing again, all eyes were on Pepper. She strolled down the aisle effortlessly, and I turned to Tony, and his eyes were practically falling out of their socket. Natasha followed my gaze and when we made eye contact again we had to try really hard to suppress our giggles. Pepper reached the alter after taking Tony's hand, and handed me her bouquet.  

The ceremony was beautiful, and the vows were so heartwarming. When the time finally came for them to kiss, everyone was standing up in applause, but my only focus was Natasha. We beamed at each other through watery eyes, and as we walked towards each other before linking arms, I fully relaxed. Her arm through mine felt perfect, and as we moved together in harmony behind the newlyweds, I was filled with serendipity. We made our way to the reception hall, hands never leaving each other until we had to sit separately at the dinner table. The conversation was flowing all around, and Pepper and Tony kept giggling and kissing each other. Tony's hand remained on Pepper's stomach until he stood up tapping his glass with a knife.

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now