A New Superhero

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I had felt a large absence while Natasha was locked in her room. I understood that she needed her space, but I did miss her. Leaving her gifts gave me some source of comfort, but it wasn't until I befriended Wanda that I finally relaxed. I felt a different connection to Wanda than Natasha like we were cut from the same cloth. She had a gentle demeanour and a sweet laugh, and her brother Pietro was also fun to be around.

I finally gathered enough courage to ask the twins, whom I trusted to give me honest answers, about something I had been feeling. As I was about to speak, a glimpse of red hair caught my eye, and I saw Natasha walk quickly away from the window, and seemingly back to her room. Confused, I turned back and asked my question.

"Do you ever get this feeling inside you, like something is trying to break free? I know it sounds weird, but it getting harder and harder to suppress." I had felt it when I was training with Natasha, and sometimes when I was super stressed after working for long periods of time.

"I doesn't sound weird at all Y/N," Wanda replied, to your surprise, and Pietro nodded, sitting down next to his sister.

"We feel it all the time, it's a sign that our powers are growing." Pietro explained, demonstrating his super speed.

"Yeah, but I don't have powers, guys. So why do I feel like this?" I shrugged, feeling frustrated.

"Have you ever thought to let the feeling free. Instead of suppressing it?" Wanda suggested, "What's the worst that can happen."

I stood, letting the feeling rise from my stomach and into my chest until a few seconds went by and I collapsed, falling unconscious.

Meanwhile Natasha POV:

After seeing Y/N with Wanda, I picked up the card from Bruce and decided to give him another chance. I called him and asked him to go to dinner with me tonight.

"I would love to Nat, give me fifteen minutes and I'll meet you outside," he said over the static phone.

I slipped into some black jeans and a green silk shirt, and I ruffled my hair to make it look like I hadn't spent the last three days in bed.

Dinner went by smoothly, Bruce was a gentleman like always, and the conversation flowed easily. Too easy. I internally scolder myself for trying to sabotage this as I looked back over to my date. He gave me a sheepish smile as he took my hand and squeezed it.

"Care to go for a walk?"

"I would love to Bruce," as I gave him the biggest smile I could muster. We walked along the river, looking at the light's reflection on the water.

"So, how's work going for you? Is Tony just as pedantic as normal?"

Bruce laughed, "Worse, actually. We all thought that with Y/N coming on the job it would help, and it did for a while, but then he reverted to his old self."

My stomach dropped at the mention of her name, but tried to remain cool as I replied, "Yeah, well Tony is Tony, and I don't think anyone could change that."

"I don't know, you say that, but if you saw Y/N and the way she worked, I would say she's the only with that ability. She's pretty incredible."

"Well, it's great that you have her on the team."

Silence fell as I heard Bruce's words run through my memory. I knew how incredible she was, I witnessed it first hand. Bruce pulled me back into the moment by cursing at his watch,

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now