Get Her Back

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It was about a week after the biscuit argument, and Steve, Clint and I had become fast friends. I enjoyed talking about the 'good ole days' with Steve, allowing myself to imagine a scrawny little boy transforming into the super soldier I had come to know. Clint kept me entertained with his quick jokes and even taught me how to string a bow and arrow, something he said would eventually come in handy, even though I was pretty sure I would never be in a situation where I would need to or even have a bow and arrow. Still, it was fun to have these breaks from work, and it felt like the Avengers were welcoming me into their family, bringing me great comfort.

Natasha joining me in my lab in the early hours of the morning became a regular thing, her walking in tired and sitting down with one of my books she had taken interest in. It was nice, we were able to spend time together in comfortable silence. I never questioned her lack of sleep, purely because she would then feel obligated to ask me why I was always working, something I didn't feel like discussing.

Mid-afternoon on a Sunday I was looking over my NMR results when I was snapped out of thought by the ding of my phone. Looking over I saw that it was the Avenger WhatsApp group I had been added to in matters of emergency.

'Going on mission, look after the tower - Tony'

I replied with a quick 'Will do', and settled back into my work until my curiosity, paired with a bit of boredom, made me want to explore Stark Tower more now that I was home alone. Choosing to take the stairs, I made my way down the levels, looking through the windows of more labs and offices until I found a room that interested me. Walking through the wood door, I was met with a faintly familiar smell until I released that the room was a library of sorts. Squealing (I've always had a thing for libraries), I rushed forward into the aisles, scanning my eyes hungrily over the spines of thousands of books. Tony had a massive collection of what looked like first or second editions of many classics, lots of scientific works as well as fiction. Shocked that I hadn't found this earlier, I picked up a copy of Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey and settled into one of the big brown chairs that were situated in front of a glass window overlooking the NYC skyline. After reading a few chapters, I felt my eyelids drooping, and I gave into sleep.

When I woke it was dark and I felt a pair of eyes on me. Scared I span around to see Clint, looking ashen and worried walking quickly over to me.

"Clint! What time is it? What day is it?"

"Tuesday, 10pm."

Shit, I had slept through a whole two days. Shaking my head I looked back to the man who was still looking anxious.

"What's wrong, did everything go okay with the mission?"

"I need you to come with me, I need your help."

"Sure, of course." I replied, letting him take my arm and leading me up to my lab.

"What's the issue, where is everyone?"

He had sat me down and sat in the chair that Natasha had so regularly called her own before turning to me.

"We have to get her back."

"Get who back, Clint what happened?!" I exclaimed, nerves rising.

"He took Nat."

My heart dropped as I met the eyes of Clint,

"Ultron", the name came out as almost a whisper. Tony had kept me fairly out of the Avenger's business, which was fine by me as I already had a lot to think about, but I had heard some things, especially as he had hacked into my computer three days ago when one of Bruce and Tony's experiments went wrong, creating him.

"We went after him to Johannesburg, where he was getting vibranium," nodding at my table, "and then we met the Maximoff twins who kind of messed us up a bit. After staying at my cabin overnight - long story" looking at my surprised face, "we found him again but couldn't stop him before he took Nat."

"Right," I said, running the events through my head. "So, how do you think I can help?"

"Well, Nat and I have been partners for many years, so we have prepared for things like this. Hell, this isn't the first time I've had to do this, but this time it's harder for me."

"Do what?" I asked, waiting for him to get to his point, anxious to get started on finding Natasha.

"Morse code. Look, I know it sounds silly but we always can manage to get morse code to each other, but I think Ultron is blocking it somehow."

Instantly, I know what to do. Dragging Clint over to my computer I open its memory and look at the code from three days.

"When Ultron hacked my computer three days, he left a distinct print on my hard drive, basically like an identification, so if we can find where else it is being used, we can see what it is doing, like blocking Natasha's morse code."

"Great Y/N! I knew you would be able to help. Nat did say you were brilliant." I blushed at the second-hand compliment until I saw how long my program would take to run.

"Clint, it's gonna take a couple of hours so why don't you get some rest? As you saw, I have had plenty so I'm fine -" I stop, as I see two people standing in the kitchen through the glass windows. Clint follows my eye line to the Maximoff twins.

"Oh yeah, forgot to mention, they don't hate us anymore. Well, maybe they do, but they hate Ultron more." Thinking that was a competent explanation, Clint walked out leaving me gobsmacked until the girl turned around and made eye contact. Her eyes glowed red until I looked down back at my computer. Weird. I decided to think about that later, but right now I had only one mission, to get her back.

Hours of tension went by until my computer gave me the best thing it could, her location. Picking up my phone, I dialled Clint's number.

"Do you have it?"

"I have it, I'll text it to you right away, and I've already got J.A.R.V.I.S setting up the QuinJet."

"Y/N, you're the best."

"Yeah, yeah, tell me about how I'm so amazing after you get her back, okay."

"You bet I'll will," and with that, he hung up. I heard rumbling coming from the roof, and the worry in my stomach started to slightly go away, knowing that she would be home soon. Knowing that there was nothing else I could do, I made my way back to the library and settled back in Northanger Abey, wishing that all I had to worry about was looking pretty for society. Once again I felt my eyes drooping, despite the long sleep I had woken up from a few hours ago - man, I really had to work out my sleep schedule. Falling into gentle slumbers I dreamt that Natasha was back, calling my name as she ran to me to embrace me.

"Y/N. Y/N!" were the sweet sounds of my name from her mouth. I smiled in my sleep as I enjoyed being with her again.


Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now