Out of the Loop

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Sam: Anything to share?

Sam, we've literally been here for 15 hours, of which we've slept for 90% of that time.

Sam: In the same bed? ;)

Leaving you on read now, byeeeeee

I looked up to see Natasha watching me chuckle at my phone. "Sam's being a nosey prick."

"Of course he is," she laughed, looking back down at her packet from Fury. The mission was fairly simple; track down the weapon sellers and buyers and interrupt the process before turning them both over to Interpol. We were chosen because of my ability with computers and chemicals, and for her abilities in reading people and attacking them if needs be. My powers were there for the very worst-case scenario, of which none of the involved parties wanted to happen.

"I'm going to go scout the area, you okay here babe?" Natasha asked whilst chucking on her jacket.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'll just set up my computers and start my scan." She quickly gave me a peck on my cheek before slipping outside and getting swallowed by the Parisian crowd. I watched from the window as her red head got smaller and smaller until I couldn't see it anymore. I swiftly set up my computers, connecting them to the VPN and started up my secure search. My mouse hovered the Spotify app before I gave in and turned on Taylor Swift, connecting the music to the speakers in the flat. After about an hour my phone lit up with a text.

Tasha: I've got a good idea of our surroundings. How are you doing?

Oh, I'm great, having the time of my life.

Tasha: You're listening to Taylor Swift without me aren't you?

Whattttttt? I'd never do that to you babe.

Tasha: Shut it Y/N, you forget that I know you inside out. Turn her off and wait for me to come home.

Meanie poo :(

Tasha: You love me really

That I do <3

Tasha: You haven't turned the music off, have you?

Nope. You can't take the Swiftie out of me, honey, even if you tried really hard.

Tasha: Goof


Tasha: Love


I heard the front gate opened and the sound of quick steps running up the stairs. I spun around in my desk chair, facing the door. It wasn't long before the redhead was barrelling towards me, her body expertly landing in my lap. I smirked into her eyes as she looked down at me before reaching behind me and switching off the music.

"I hate you," she rolled her eyes at me whilst I stared at her, smiling my mouth off. Seeing that I wasn't going to do anything or say anything she gave in and embraced me in a hug, letting me feel her against me. I took in her scent once more and heard a switch flip back on. Taylor's voice starting floating through the speakers and I felt Tasha start to hum the melody against me. Our moment was interrupted by a beep from my computer. I spun my chair around so that Tasha was still wrapped around me, but that I could now see my screen.

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now