Another Party

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Natasha POV:

I was slowly woken up by the light drifting through my curtains. Letting my eyes adjust to the light, I sat up and looked around my room. My bed was empty, and Y/N was nowhere to be seen.

"Great." I sighed to myself, another person who likes to leave me. I struggled out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror I almost laughed, seeing my puffy red eyes and pale complexion. I decided to make my way to the kitchen to get some ice to put on my eyes to make it look like I didn't have a breakdown last night. Walking in, the smell of pancakes and bacon hit me and to my surprise, I saw Wanda at the hob. She turned around as she heard me walk in and offered me a small smile before returning to her cooking. I walked over to the freezer and took out some ice and wrapped it in some paper towel, sat down at the table and put the ice on my eyes. Wanda had turned around to plate up some food and saw what I was doing.

"Neat trick isn't it?" she commented, pointing to some wet paper towel left on the counter side.

"Yeah, it works well." I replied, unsure of how far to push her. I knew she felt comfortable with Y/N and Vision, but I hadn't spent much time with her before. Sliding across a plate of breakfast to me she sat on the opposite side of the table and started eating.

"Thank-you Wanda."

"No problem. You haven't seen Y/N this morning have you? She said she'd stop by for breakfast yesterday but she hasn't turned up."

"No, I haven't. I don't know where she is."


Tony was shrieking running around the lab.

"I did it! I did it!"

"We did it, Tony. I did help remember?" But my cries were to no use, as Tony was already on his phone calling Pepper.

I had woken up this morning still hugging Natasha and checked my phone which was filled with messages from Tony telling me to join him in the lab. I rushed out of the room without telling Natasha because I didn't want to wake her, she looked too serene.

What we had done is find a way to join the interface of J.A.R.V.I.S., now Vision, and software that I had been given from Microsoft so that we could simultaneously track the internet and the universe for threats. It wasn't too hard, but it was extremely important in Tony's final plan.

"This means he's going to get extra drunk tonight," I heard a laugh from behind me and I smiled as I recognised the voice. I span around already expecting the hug I was about to receive from Pepper.

"Hey, Pep! I thought Tony was on the phone to you?"

"Oh he is, just my voicemail," she chuckled, "I saw the updates come through on the server and I thought I'd come celebrate in person."

"Well then, I'll leave you to it." I hinted, walking away.

Pepper looked taken aback, but there was a blush filling her face and her eyes were glinting. "Who are you and what have you done with Y/N!" she shrieked, laughing as I left winking at her profusely. I smiled as I walked to the kitchen to hopefully join Wanda if I wasn't too late.

"There you are!" I heard as Wanda engulfed me in a hug.

"Hey, Wands, sorry I'm late but we just had a major breakthrough in the lab and Tony needed me to help."

"And did you? What am I saying, of course you did! Look at your smile!"

"Well that's not the only reason..." I started saying until my eyes met a familiar pair sat on the other side of the table. She offered me a small twitch of her lips, but nothing like what I expected.

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now