Be my Valentine

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Tasha and I had been back together for about a week now. We took things fairly slowly, getting used to each other and repairing the trust that was broken. It was now February 13th and I was out shopping with Wanda when I received a text.

Tasha: Can we talk, like now?

Sure, give me 15 mins to get back.

Tasha: Ok great. Meet me in your bedroom?

Sure thing <3

I felt Wanda's eyes on me as I replied to my girlfriend. I met her eyes and allowed her access into my mind without speaking. She gave me a sad smile for two reasons; we really enjoyed spending time together and she was still worried about me. When Natasha broke up with me I retreated slightly into a depressive state, but only Wanda knew about it because she was the only other person I dropped my walls for. She understood why I got back with Tasha, in fact, she was rather happy about it, but she still had such a big heart that always had room for concern. Still, she gave me a kiss on my cheek before allowing me to go see Natasha.

When I got back to the tower, I immediately took the elevator up to my room and walked in expecting to see Natasha there. I looked down at my watch and realised it only took me 10 minutes to walk back, so maybe she was just not expecting me to be early. I stashed away the things I bought today and sat on my bed waiting for Natasha. 20 minutes had passed before I started to get frustrated, and worried. I stormed out of my room and down the stairs to Natasha's room, where I saw her sitting on her bed, looking innocently at me through the doorway. I didn't move, so she stood up and walked over to me, her eyebrows raised.

"Took you long enough."

I replied, confused, "But you said to meet in my bedroom?"

Natasha looked around the room. "Is this not your bedroom?"

Butterflies started forming in my stomach. "Tasha, what are you saying?"

She stepped forward and took my hand in hers. "I love you, Y/N, and I always will. One day we will have a house of our own, but for now, will you move in with me?"

"Yes! God, yes, Tasha!" I yelled, jumping up and down as she laughed at me before I stopped and pulled her in for a kiss. "I can never get tired of kissing you, baby," I murmured against her warm lips. I felt her smile and she kissed me again, finding her place with her hands on my waist. We rested our foreheads together as we breathed.

"Y/N, I've been doing some thinking and I think we should tell the team."

I searched her eyes but all I could see was love and happiness. I nodded, "I like the sound of that."

"Besides, tomorrow is Valentine's day and I want to show you off!"

"DINNER!" Wanda screamed from the stairwell.

"Perfect timing," I whispered, holding my hand out for Tasha to take. She did, and it felt good being able to walk down the hall with her. We walked into the dining room and saw that everyone was already there. I stopped at the head of the table and Natasha moved to stand next to me. Everyone looked up at us, and I saw Steve smiling at what he saw.

"Y/N, Nat, did you make up?" Tony teased us, making Sam snort out his water.

"Well, Tony, yes we did." Natasha starts, looking at me for guidance.

"Me and Natasha are dating." I held up our interlocked hands and many eyebrows rose in shock on the Avenger's faces. Sam started cheering, looking smug, and Pepper and Tony glanced between them before looking at us with smiles. 

"How long have you and Natasha been in a relationship?" Vision asked, provoking Wanda to nudge him in his synthetic ribs, but he looked confused at her reaction.

"Since before Halloween."

A bunch of "what"s and "no way"s were spoken all at once as Natasha and I smirked at each other. 

"That's enough questions guys, you'll find out more along the way," Natasha said before pulling me to our seats. "Oh, but Tony, we will need your help moving Y/N's belongings into my room, our room, so whenever you are free it would be great." Tony nodded in reply.

"No!" Bucky shouted. Everyone turned their heads towards him in surprise at his outburst. "I live next to Nat, that means I will hear everything!" He started fake sobbing as everyone fell into laughter.

"Bucky, the walls are sound proof," Tony noted.

"Yeah, and lots has been happening over the last couple of months anyways so you would have heard it all already," I commented, before breaking out into laughter. Pepper looked at me in shock before mock covering her baby's ears, which probably weren't even formed yet in her belly. "Sorry, Pep," I mouthed at her but she simply rolled her eyes at me, happy that I was happy.


I woke up super early to help Wanda decorate the tower with red decorations and bake some sugar cookies. I had left Natasha sleeping peacefully in bed with a rose and note next to her if she woke up before I came back. My second batch of cookies came out of the oven as Natasha walked into the kitchen. She was wearing one of my shirts and a pair of shorts, and her hair was tied back in a messy ponytail. My rose and note were being held firmly in her hands as she walked towards me with a sleepy smile.

"Hey, Y/N, Wanda." Natasha waved at my best friend who waved back before she slipped out of the kitchen, attending to her decorations.

"Hi, love." I opened my arms and she slipped into them, our bodies fitting perfectly together. We hummed as we melted into each other until Sam walked in and started whistling. I flipped him off but that only encouraged him to carry on.

"I never pegged you for a liar, Y/N." Sam chuckled. 

Both Tasha and I turned and looked at him. "Whatever do you mean, Sam?" Natasha asked defensively, but I knew where he was going with this so I put my hand on Natasha's back, trying to calm her down.

"Oh, we're just friends, nothing's happening between us, she just annoys me so much but it has nothing to do with the sexual frustration between us!" Sam mocked, relaying some of our conversations, but making up the last one. 

Natasha simply rolled her eyes at him before grabbing my chin with her hand and pulling me in for a passionate kiss. The kiss got more and more heated and by the time I lifted Natasha up on the counter, Sam had left. I slipped my hands under her shirt and traced my fingers along her spine, causing her to shiver. Her legs wrapped around my waist pulled me even closer, and her tongue was once more claiming its territory. I could feel wetness forming and Natasha slipped her hand down and palmed my heat, chuckling when she felt her effect on me. 

"You'll just have to wait until tonight, baby," She murmured in my ear. I moaned against my will as her hand sat on top of where I wanted it most. 

"I hate you," I grunted.

"I know, angel, I know," she giggled back before removing her hand and kissing me one last time. We ate breakfast together before I slipped up to my room, getting changed and grabbing my present for her. I knocked on her door and she opened it, smiling at me. I held out my wrapped present, and she took it from me, sitting down on her bed. She spent time peeling the sellotape and preserving the paper before she came face to face with her present.

"Y/N!" She breathed out as she held the frame in her hands. It was her favourite picture from our Paris trip, the one she said she wanted to get framed when she got back but never did. Written across the bottom of the frame was 'Be my valentine?' and as she looked back up at me, I was on one knee.

"Be my Valentine, Tasha." I spoke, rather than asked. The gorgeous woman nodded frantically, and I could see the cogs in her brain trying to piece together a sentence. 

"If you asked me a million times, a million times I would say yes," she finally replied, and I was very satisfied with the answer. I reached up to her lips and embraced her, remembering every second. 

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now