The Night is Closing

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Natasha POV:

I giggled as Y/N threw daggers at me with her eyes as Tony pulled her up onto his makeshift stage. Tony always had a flair for extravagance and introducing his newest employee was going to be nothing less of a monologue.

I took a seat next to Steve and settled into Tony's spiel about how he had managed to secure Y/N in his employment. One would think that he would take this opportunity to praise Y/N, but of course, it was all about him. As he rambled on, my eyes focused on the girl standing next to him, who was desperately trying to make herself smaller and hide from the attention. Despite this, her eyes were glowing as she took in everyone in the room, seeming excited by all the faces. I could see the corners of her pink lips twitch into a fond smile as Tony recounted their first meeting, something I knew I would ask about later when I got the chance.

Her fingers fiddled with the many silver rings she was wearing before I felt her eyes on me. I looked up into her e/c eyes and noticed her hands stopped moving as she seemed to visible relax. I smiled inwardly, happy that she seemed to like me already, but gave her a wink to keep things casual.

Tony's speech drew to a close and as he asked the audience for questions, Thor stood up and called out;

"Lady Y/L/N, may I ask why your skill set is so impressive that Tony Stark decided to bring you onto a project that was already saturated with people?" finishing with a nod to the room as many people murmured in agreement - Tony's project was fairly unpopular with people as many believed that he was going too far in his control of the world.

Y/N coughed uncomfortably before starting to speak, "Well, I guess, sir, I have a wide range of skills that -"

"The truth is, Y/N reminds me of a young, female me, so why wouldn't I want her with me?!" Tony interrupted and closed questions down.

I tilted my head in question and looked back at Tony's mini-me, who looked equally as confused as I felt. I looked around the room but everyone was already deep in conversation with one another and no one seemed to care about Tony's strange reaction to Thor's question. Before I had any time to act, Tony had pulled Y/N off the stage and into a side room.

"So what did you think of that," Steve said to me, reminding me that he was still there.

"I'm not sure... I mean Y/N seems great and all but something doesn't feel right."

"Lay off Romanoff, just because you feel threatened that you're not Stark's number one girl now that Y/N is here."

I sincerely scoffed, knowing that my feelings were not jealousy, but concern. I have known Tony for many years, and with that, I know how far he likes to go for his projects to work.

I saw Stark walking towards us with a smug look on his face, but there was no one with him.

"So what did you think, eh?"

"She seems great Tony," Steve replied genuinely, "I hope that now you have her things will start to improve and we can finally get you out of that lab and back fighting with us!"

"Oh, I sincerely think that will be the case, fret not old man!" Tony laughed grabbing a drink from the bar behind me.

Desperate to get out of this situation, I started walking away talking about getting some water.

"But the bar is literally here Romanoff!" Tony cried but I brushed him off with a flick of my hand as I set my course for the room Y/N was left in. Something inside me told me that I had to check up on this girl, I guess she just piqued my interest.

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now