The Christmas Gala

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Natasha POV:

"I can't believe it's only four days until Christmas and this is the first festive thing we're doing," Y/N whined as she slipped into her dress. Tonight was the night where we would intercept the weapons meeting at the Christmas Gala. Y/N had spent the last week tracking everything on her computer, identifying the different types of weapons and chemicals we were dealing with, and I had spent it following our targets, observing their movements and behaviours. Fury had got us onto the guestlist of a sophisticated gala run by Cartier in the Louvre, and Tony had given us his credit card so that we could buy our outfits.

I had chosen a red strapless dress with a slit in the thigh, and Y/N had opted for a silver strappy dress that pooled at the bottom. She had curled her hair whereas I slicked mine back with gel and put on a dark smokey eye. We were the perfect couple, dark and sexy and beautiful and goddess-like.

"So what you're saying is you don't want to go to a Cartier Christmas gala?" I joked as I put on her necklace, a dainty silver chain with a lock pendant. We also used Tony's card to buy some Cartier jewellery, obviously. 

"Now you're twisting my words, Miss Romanoff! There's nothing I'd want more than go to this ball with the most gorgeous woman on the planet, I just wish we were doing more Christmassy stuff."

"It's not over yet, honey."

"Was that a hint?" She shrieked at me as I held back my laughs, clipping in my earrings. The last thing we did before leaving was put in our earpieces in case we got separated, and then took some selfies. I kissed her cheek and whispered "You're so stunning, baby" as she took the last selfie, and I knew that I would want to frame it when we got back. Her eyes glowed with love and my face radiated happiness. She turned her face towards mine and placed a small, sweet kiss on my lips as to not ruin our lipgloss. 

"Shall we, princess," she giggled, holding out her hand to the car.

"We shall," I laughed back, falling into the taxi.

When we arrived I nodded at some of the security guards whom I had become acquainted with, they worked for Interpol. It was nice to know we had backup if we needed it. We strolled through the familiar hallways, our heels clicking on the stone floor in unison, hands clutching each other. The domed ceilings were now sporting Christmas lights that were reflected in every direction by the windows, creating a magical experience. It was hard not to get distracted, but not impossible. We had a mission to do, and we were going to do it well. It was after about an hour of mingling when we noticed our targets walk off together. Y/N took my hand, apologising to our company before pulling me along behind them. The men walked into a side room and started talking and we watched as they exchanged briefcases before separating. I signalled at Y/N to follow the seller while I would follow the buyer since they were more likely to be dangerous. It wasn't long before we had walked around in a loop and as I felt the hairs rise on my neck I felt a thump to the back of my head, darkness immediately surrounding me. 

"Fuck." I woke up with a groan as my vision started to clear. I scanned around and saw that I was in an abandoned warehouse, tied to a chair. There were three men who sat around a small table playing cards but stopped when they saw that I was awake.

"Look, the bitch is awake." One of the men spat in my direction.

"It took her long enough, we've been here for seven hours!" Another one groaned, stretching in his seat.

"Now, now, boys, that's no way to talk to Natalia." An American voice pierced through the darkness as my mind started racing. The list was short of people who knew me as Natalia, but it was a dangerous one. The men shut up as a blonde woman strutted into the light. She was wearing a burgundy suit with a white lace bodysuit peaking out. Her face was hidden by a hat that matched her suit, but I could see her smirking.

"They work for you?" I managed to get out, scowling at the men.

"When I pay them, and they know they want my money, don't you boys?" The woman spoke very confidently and I watched as the men shifted in their seats, they were scared of this woman.

"Yes Dorothea."

Dorothea? I started looking closer at the woman standing in front of me, my eyes being drawn to her hips, the way they moved slightly side to side.

My hips.

I bit my lips to hold myself back, which she saw, causing her to turn to the men.

"Let her go boys, she's coming with me."

"How do you know I won't hurt you?" I hissed at her, causing the men to stop their advance towards me. She shrugged,

"I just do, Natalia. Come on now."

The men walked over to me and I was consumed by the smell of tobacco and beer. They roughly took the ropes off me, and one of the men tried to grope me as I stood up.

"Uh, uh, boys, no touching! Or do you not want to get paid?" The woman tutted, holding up a bag. The sleaze immediately stepped away from me, his mind instantly filled with greed as I slipped away from them and towards her. She chucked the bag in their direction and signalled me to follow her. I watched as she strutted out of the room and towards a black town car. Before she could reach the door handle I pulled her back, and she turned to me. Before she could register what I was going to do, I lunged at her, embracing her in a passionate kiss. I pulled off her hat and wig, tossing them to the ground. She pulled me closer to her, forcing me to wrap my legs around her. I pulled back smiling at her broadly,

"Dorothea? Seriously? I love -" she placed her fingers on my lips before I could finish my sentence.

"I'm on coms," she mouthed at me, still holding me close to her body. "Natasha Romanoff is safe and secure. The men have their money, and it'll lead you to them. Thank-you, sir, it was a pleasure working with you." She finished, ripping the earpiece out of her ear. "You were saying, Natalia?"

"I love you" I finished, placing another kiss on her before wrapping my arms around her in a hug. She opened the car door and pulled us inside, signalling the driver to go. 

"Did you manage to do it? After I screwed it all up?" I ask her, searching her face for confirmation.

"You didn't mess anything up, Tasha, in fact, you actually helped. Once you were taken, Interpol arrested both sides, but there were still some men missing. Those three sleazebags in there. So really, you being kidnapped was the best thing you could've done."

I poked her chest."How did this little persona come about? The blonde's not permanent, is it? And you know I love your English accent, it's so sexy," I giggle, watching her blush.

"You know, a little friend called Taylor helped out," she giggled back, playfully shrugging her shoulders. 

"So it's done? The mission is over?!"

"Yes, Tasha, we did it. It's done." She placed a kiss on my forehead before pulling me onto her lap as I straddled it. "And you know what that means." She pressed a button, causing the screen to close between us and the driver.

"I think I may have some ideas," I gasped as I felt her hands starting to move closer and closer.

"I love you so much, Tasha."

"I love you too, Y/N," I replied, pulling her into a long kiss before the well-deserved excitement began.

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