In the Zone

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Natasha left halfway through my pancakes, telling me to meet her in the training room when I was ready. I made my way back to my empty room, dug around in my boxes till I found some Nike Pro shorts and a baggy t-shirt and slipped on my black Vans. I decided to braid my hair into Dutch plaits, and when I was done, I prepared myself to get my ass whooped.

Pushing open the heavy doors of the training room, I am met with the sound of music playing in the background. Doja Cat. I suddenly realise that the beat of the song is being echoed by someone hitting the boxing bag, and as I head around the corner, I see that it is Natasha. I watch as she elegantly but accurately hits all the right spots on the bag. I felt my eyes were burning into her as she turned around to meet mine and signals me to join her. I tentatively step into the ring, worried about the next few minutes and preparing myself to end up in Bruce's lab.

"I don't want to be rude, but you can't work out in that, can you?" Natasha broke the silence, pointing at my baggy t-shirt. I look at her, realising that she had stripped off her own shirt and was left wearing leggings and a purple sports bra.

"Oh right, yeah no, I was just cold," I replied taking off my shirt, revealing my black Nike sports bra.

"We'll just have to create some heat then, shall we?" I frowned, not moving closer to her.

"How about a deal then? For every move I teach you, you can ask me a question about myself, since I already seem to know a lot about you."

I weigh up the odds and decide that this is an offer I can't turn down. Facing myself opposite her, I mimicked the movements she taught me whilst admiring her form. After about 15 minutes, I had learnt several moves and a few things about her. She was 26, originally from Russia, likes cats, and was responsible for keeping the boys in line. Soon she decided it was time to put me to the test.

"Just let me know if you ever want to stop, okay Y/N?"

"Okay Natasha, will do." But I was already in the zone, readying myself for the fight.

What I was not expecting was for her to move so quickly. Within 10 seconds I was on my back, with Natasha straddling me and smirking apologetically. I was breathing heavily, but she had barely broken a sweat. But I wasn't done yet.

With the final bit of energy I had, I disarmed her legs and flipped her over so that she was under me, this time her breath was rapid and she looked shocked.

Natasha POV:

Y/N had completely blindsided me, and here she was, on top of me. I looked up into her face, which was red but glowing from excitement as I said;

"Y/N, you keep surprising me."

"I took taekwondo at uni, it sometimes comes in handy" she let out a chuckle.

"Yes, well that was certainly impressive, but let's not forget who's on top in here," I said while simultaneously flipping her over my head so that she landed on her back with a grunt. I stood up quickly and put my hand out for her to take, which she did and I pulled up her to face me.

"I don't think anyone can forget that, even if they tried really really hard," she laughed, matching her breathing with mine as we stood centimetres from each other.

"You know, you have a great body for this, you should do this more often."

"Oh no, definitely not. I'll stay in my lab, thank-you very much," she replied sauntering over to her water bottle, taking a deep swig.

"That's a shame, I was hoping to see more of you," I pouted, hoping for a reaction out of her.

"Never say never Romanoff," and with that, she winked and walked out of the room.


I expected to hear the doors close behind me but they never did so I turned back around as I was met with Natasha running into me. She took a step back but then handed me the t-shirt that I had left on the bench.

"You'd forget your head if it wasn't attached. I mean first your boots and now your shirt, what's next?"

"Maybe I'll have to keep you around then Natasha. Wanna grab a snack with me?"

She nodded and joined me walking to the kitchen where we were met with greetings from Clint and Steve who were looking at the news. Clint was on his phone and Steve was reading a newspaper, obviously. After grabbing a packet of biscuits from the cupboard Natasha sat down at a smaller coffee table and waited for me to join.

"So what's the deal," she started. "I mean yesterday you were like a little puppy lost in the streets but in there you were a panther, so powerful."

I chuckle, "I guess I just get in the zone. Tony says that one of his favourite things about me, that I can go from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds. It's really helpful when making a proposal or something in the office."

"I get that, I mean being a spy you really have to prepared for anything. Cookie?" she said handing me the packet.

"Biscuit! They're biscuits!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry Y/N," said Clint who was walking over after hearing my shouts, "but the Americans have you outnumbered", pointing at himself, Steve, and Natasha.

"Woah, woah, technically Natasha is Russian, and also, the English literally invented the English language, I would know."

"What do you mean you would know, were you around 1000 years ago?" Steve laughed, joining the conversation.

"No, grandad, but I did study English Language and Literature, and I can tell you that the word biscuit comes from Latin, whereas cookie comes from 18th century Dutch. And you can't argue the chicken or egg here because there's about 1600 year difference." I finished, purely satisfied that I had won the argument.

Clint shuffled backwards with his arms in the air, "Okay, walking dictionary, you win this one."

I turned back to Natasha who was laughing at my random outburst.

"Tony was right, you are a great arguer!"

"Hey! That's not what he said!" but my shouts were useless as I gave into laughter.

"I have to go do some mission reports but I'll see you later, Miss Dictionary," Natasha said, standing up.

"Will do, Natasha."

After she started to walk away I put a biscuit in my mouth when I heard a whisper in my ear,

"Just to let you know, the in the zone you is pretty hot."

I choked on my biscuit as I heard her stroll away and Steve ran over with some water to get the biscuit down.

"You good, Y/N?" he asks looking down.

"Brilliant Steve, thank-you." It wasn't a lie, something was burning inside me, and it felt pretty good.

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now