A Nice Goodbye

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The next few weeks were spent with Wanda and Pietro, trying to figure out what my powers were and how I could use and harness them.

"So, we've got elemental manipulation and telekinesis, like me. But we've also got enhanced strength and stamina," Wanda listed off, looking between me and Pietro, who was recovering on the ground from my fight with him. After being able to tap into my powers, I was able to easily pin him to the ground without breaking a sweat.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, send mission report to Tony." Wanda stood up, making her way over to me to give a fist pump. "Good job, Y/N, we'll make an Avenger out of you in no time." I stood there as I watched her help Pietro up and walk out to the kitchen.

Feeling stress build-up, I felt the need to calm myself and decided to go to the library to read. I entered under the assumption that no one was there, and sat down with a new book. I heard the pages of a book turn so I shot around and saw Natasha smirking at my shock.

"Jesus, Natasha! You scared me! What are you doing here?"

"Sorry, Y/N, I would've thought that your supersense would have noticed me. And besides, I thought we had established that this was my spot first."

Feeling my smile drop, I sat opposite her.

"So, how have you been, I feel like I haven't seen you in ages."

"Yeah well Fury has been keeping me busy, and you've been with Wanda all the time."

"She's been really helpful Natasha."

"It wasn't a criticism Y/N, just an observation."

"Right, sorry, I'm just really tense at the moment."

Natasha softened her gaze in sympathy and move her chair closer to me,

"Anything I can do, милый?"

Natasha POV:

The pet name just slipped out, but Y/N didn't seem to notice as she was preparing herself to speak. I saw her twist her rings like she did when she was nervous, and I could see worry flit behind her e/c eyes. I waited a minute, but nothing came out of her mouth, so I decided it was best to leave her alone. I stood up, readying myself to leave, but her hand grabbed mine, and I met her eyes which were filled with hurt.

"Please, stay Natasha. This time, please stay with me."

Guilt washed over me as I recalled the look on her face as I declined her plea the night she found out about her powers, a look that had been haunting me for weeks.

"Of course, I'm sorry."

She shook her head, her h/c hair rippling down her back, "Don't say you're sorry to me, Natasha, I don't want you to feel sorry for me."

"What do you want from me, right now?" I said, sitting back down opposite her fragile body.

"I need you, and you left me for weeks!"

"You were with Wanda!" The anger behind my words seemed to sting her and I wish I could take back what I had said.

"Right. Wanda." She sighed, straightening her back and looked me directly in my eyes. "Wanda is wonderful, but I can't talk to her like I can with you. Please."

"Of course, Y/N, I'll always listen to you."


Natasha's green eyes had softened once more like they always did when she was concerned about me, and I finally felt ready to talk.

"Tony still hasn't found the source of my power, but I think I know where it came from."

Natasha let out a small gasp, "You do?"

I sighed letting myself trust Natasha with the information.

"You know when you asked me about my dad, and I said I didn't have one." She nodded slowly. "I was made by science. IVF. And besides giving me a huge identity crisis, I think the scientists did some experimenting on me."

"What makes you think that?" Natasha asked softly, tucking away a piece of my hair that had fallen in my face. Realising what she did, she dropped her hand but I gave her a grateful smile.

"I always had the name of one of the scientists that helped make me, and a couple days I looked him up in Tony's database."


"And he works for HYDRA."

Natasha's face fell as she put the pieces together. "You think HYDRA made you using the Power Stone."

"It would make sense. Well, as much sense as any of this makes," I said, feeling my voice waver as tears built up behind my eyes. Seeing this, Natasha took my hands in her lap and started stroking them with her thumb. The gentle contact with her soothed me and I felt the tears start to retract.

"Thank-you for listening Natasha."

"Thank-you for trusting me," she said softly.

"Of course, there's nothing I wouldn't trust you with." This seemed to make Natasha uncomfortable, as she looked away and swallowed, before letting go of my hands.

"I just remembered, I'm supposed to meet Bruce for something, are you okay to be alone?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

She left the room in a hurry, leaving her book behind. I walked over and picked it up. Northanger Abbey. The copy I had given her, and as I turned the pages I found what she was using as a bookmark, the little card that came with the flowers I sent her. I sat back down holding the book to my chest, confused about pretty much everything. I heard a knock on the door and I spun around to meet Wanda, dropping Natasha's book on the sofa in the process.

"Hey Y/N."

"Hi Wands, what's up."

"Tony told me to find you, there's a meeting about Ultron, he's seems pretty certain that he's found him and that we can end him." She took my hand and led me to the living room, where everyone was already waiting. I saw Natasha look at me and Wanda before turning back to Tony, who was waiting to speak. We all expected a long speech but all that came out of his mouth was;

"Let's get this son of a bitch."

The Avengers mumbled between themselves as Tony walked over to me.

"Hey, Y/N. You're gonna sit this one out as I don't think you're ready for this yet."

Relieved, I nodded and watched as everyone started to get themselves ready. Wanda and Pietro came over to me, and I gave them both a hug, but feeling Natasha's eyes on me, I hugged Wanda extra long. Looking at them both, I smiled and said;

"Kit his butt extra hard for me, will you?"

"Anything for you Y/N," Pietro laughed and took his sister to go get ready.

Looking over to Natasha, who was stood alone, I called out,

"Good luck Natasha."

She turned her head smiling softly, saying,

"Thank-you Y/N. See you on the other side."

"Don't hurt yourself too much."

"Oh, I couldn't. I'm too good for that," rolling her eyes, causing me to laugh. "I'm missed that."

Unsure of how to reply, awkwardness started to fill the air, so I offered her a quick smile and told her she should probably get going. She started walking away and I observed her straighten her spine and shake her hair behind her before joining the rest of the Avengers. Following them all out the Quinjet, I saw Pietro wave to me from the window before looking back to Natasha. She was laughing with Banner and Steve, but before walking onboard, she turned to me and winked. A nice goodbye. 

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now