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Natasha and Y/N POV:



I saw Pepper smiling towards me with her arm waiting to engulf me in what she knew to be my favourite hugs ever.

"There you are Y/N!" she said as I was hit with the sweet smell of her coconut shampoo as she rubbed my back and whispered in my ear "I missed you! Being stuck with Tony has been so challenging!"

"Pepper, darling, I heard that!" Tony scolded from behind me. I imagine Pepper was sticking her tongue at him like she always did to tease him.

"Well, let me take a proper look at you!" Pepper said pushing me back by my shoulders as she took in my outfit and makeup. She span me around making me dizzy as I was very light-headed from not eating anything all day from nerves. Seeing the queasy look on my face she stopped and dragged me to the bar saying

"You need to eat something. We talked about this Y/N! You can't just not eat!" She gently chastised me while still rubbing my back. I shrugged my shoulders, it wasn't like this hadn't happened before.

Last week Pepper walked into the workshop to me slumped on my table after 15 hours straight of work and no food. She had taken me to the kitchen and watch me until I finished the food she made for me. I was so lucky to have both Pepper and Tony as my employers, I had really hit the jackpot.

After making sure I ate a bowl of french fries she took my face in her hands as she looked into my eyes.

"I have to go and talk to business associates" She rolls her eyes which causes a laugh to rise out of me to which she smiles. "Will you be okay?"

"Yes Pep, I'll be fine, I can manage myself!" as I put on my best big girl face.

"I know, I know." She smiled as she pulled into another hug. "You know, you really look great tonight" and she pointed up and down me and winked as she walked away.

I sighed contently as I spun my chair back to the bar and took a sip of the Fanta I had asked for.

"She's right you know, you do look great," a voice said as a snapped my head up and locked eyes with the speaker.

Natasha POV:

I don't know what came over me to say that to this new girl but it just slipped out. Her head snapped up and her h/c hair fell in waves behind her as she gazed questionably into my eyes. After Pepper had embraced her in a hug I had made my way back to behind the bar making myself useful until Pepper had left her alone. A slight pink rose in her face and she quickly dropped her eyes and shuffled uncomfortably in her chair.

"Thank-you" she almost whispered, but I managed to hear the sweet words from her mouth.

"No problem doll" I laughed, trying to play it cool and friendly as I slid her another bowl of fries in her direction. "I've never seen Pepper so worried, and she runs this multi-billion dollar company!" I exclaimed, curious as to what the girl in front of me would reply to this. But she just shrugged, replying,

"Oh it's not that big a deal, I think she just has some maternal feelings that she uses on me, but she has much bigger and better things to worry about than some employee."

"Some employee eh? So, Stark Industries employee no.1007, what's your name?" I ask as she laughs at my small joke.

"Y/N Y/L/N" she offers, looking embarrassed as she says it.

"Y/N". I mull the name over in my brain, liking how it sounded in my mouth. "It's pretty", to which she looked surprised to hear.

"Thank-you" came the sweet words again. "I feel so rude, I don't know your name!" she said, looking apologetic.

Stifling a laugh I replied, "No,no, don't worry you're still recovering" nodding at the fries she had already eaten half of. "My names Natalia." I stopped, shocked as to what came out of my mouth, cursing myself inwardly for letting it slip out. "But everyone calls me Natasha. Natasha Romanoff. No-one calls me Natalia." I added firmly, trying to get across the hint, but she wasn't paying attention to my small pleas for help.


So this was the Natasha Romanoff. The stone-cold assassin that everyone was scared of, including me five minutes ago until she made all my worries melt away with her kind conversation. Just as she had done with my name, I ran Natalia through my brain, thinking it was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard.

"Natalia" slipped out of my mouth at a whisper but as her spine straightened I could tell she heard.

"Natasha, please." She looked pained as she asked me to call her that.

"I'm so sorry, of course, Natasha." I appeased her with a small smile and I saw her shoulders relax a bit as she bent down to lean on the bar across from me. Her eyes were captured by a tall man walking towards us and as her attention shifted to Steve Rogers, I finally had time to take her all in.

Her red hair fell to just below her shoulders in loose curls [think Iron Man 2 cos that's my fave hair of her's], complementing her ivory skin that glistened in the light. Her collarbones poked out from her shirt that was unbuttoned, and I watched as her chest rose and fell in gentle breaths. Making my way up to her face, her mouth was upturned into a smirk as Steve said something that amused her, and her green eyes sparkled with humour, different to how hers had softened into mine when she was talking to me. Before I could stare for too long, Steve turned to me and held out his hand which I took eagerly wanting to make his acquaintance.

"So you're the famous Y/N that Tony hasn't been able to stop talking about for the last few weeks!" Steve said. I would have squirmed under the compliment if had not been said with a beaming smile that made me feel at ease.

"Famous?!" Natasha said, and I couldn't tell whether she was surprised or impressed.

"Uh yeah, Tony kept bragging how he had secured the youngest and smartest graduate from Harvard to work on his project with him. He says you're some kind of female Einstein." Steve said as he patted you on the shoulder.

"Harvard? Einstein? Why -" I cut off Natasha's question as I quickly said;

"Not Einstein. I mean never Einstein, he was a theoretical physicist. I'm a chemist and a computer nerd, I guess also a forensic scientist, definitely not Einstein level. And besides when you compare academic abilities with real-life achievements Einstein is about 10 thousand levels superior to me and I could only hope to come close with him when I'm like 80!" I felt Natasha's eyes flit over my face as a rambled about stuff I knew she wasn't interested in, but when I turned to look at her she was gently smiling and her eyes were wide.

"Y/N, how old are you? I mean by the sounds of it you should be at least be 26 but you look... well I don't know," she looked you up and down assessingly as you felt your stomach churn and cheeks burn red. To take her eyes off you you replied quickly,

"I'm 22. Graduated at 19, work at CERN and Microsoft until Tony hired me three weeks ago." I nod, showing them that I was done talking about myself, and I was saved by the devil himself as I heard Tony make an announcement.

"We're not done here Y/N," Steve said and Natasha furiously nodded, but I knew that I wouldn't be talking much anymore.

But boy was I wrong as I heard Tony's next sentence; "Please can you join me in welcoming Y/N up to join me!". I stood firm next to the bar until I felt a gentle push from my waist and heard a whisper and a giggle from behind;

"Go, bask in your glory genius, and then it will be all done." My breath quickened as I realised it was Natasha who had her hands on my body, but before I could freak out anymore she gave me one last push towards Tony who was smirking at me with his arms wide open.

God, I'm gonna kill Natasha.

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now