Birthday Girl

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Natasha POV:

I was in the kitchen with Y/N making cookies. She was fixated on ensuring my baking skills were top-notch before the Christmas season began. Last week it was pies; apple, rhubarb and sweet potato. The sweet potato was my favourite, the smooth filing going perfectly with vanilla ice cream. This week it was all about icing, getting the perfect designs ready to make the cookies look cute.

"Y/N, you keep surprising me." I laughed, watching how she expertly iced a snowman on a cookie.

"Eh, I enjoy it. Creativity that I can eat!" She laughed back before stuffing the cookie in her mouth. 

"Looking good girls!" Steve exclaimed, walking into the room, taking in all the baked goods. We just nodded and smiled before Y/N handed him a plate of our cookies. Steve picked up the chocolate chip cookie and popped it in his mouth, nodding appreciatively. 

"Y/N, can I borrow you for a second?" he asked after finishing the cookie.

"But what about-" she started before he grabbed her by the arm.

"It'll take two seconds, the cookies will still be there when you get back."

She turned to me, a playful glint in her eyes. "Will they, Natasha?"

I smirked but nodded. "I'll leave one for you. I'm kidding, of course they will."

Satisfied, she allowed Steve to pull her into the hallway, and I turned back to my cookie, still trying to master my Father Christmas.


"What's up Steve?" I ask, looking at the man in front of me.

"There's something I think you should know..." he started, looking nervous.


"It's about Nat."

"Uh yeah I figured, now spit it out." I replied, getting nervous.

"It's her birthday in two days."

"What! She never told me that!" I exclaim, shocked that my girlfriend didn't tell me.

"Yeah, well she hates people making a fuss over her, and I think she's had some bad memories on her birthday. But, I was hoping since she's now got you that you could do something special for her, you know, to cheer her up."

I pulled him into a hug, whispering in his ear, "Thank-you for telling me, we'll make it special for her."

He pulled back, raising the right side of his mouth into a smile. "She really loves you, you know."

"What makes you say that?"

"She told me, a long time ago. After she came back from Ultron, she came into my office and couldn't stop gushing about you, and finally confessed her love for you to me."

Realisation dawned as I pieced together memories in my head. "I  always thought she was talking about Bruce!"

He titled his head in confusion, "You heard?"

"Yeah, I was walking back to Wanda and I passed your office but I just thought she was talking about Bruce. God, if I knew, I would've made a move." I chuckled, feeling like an idiot.

"Hey, well at least you're together now. You should probably get back to her before she starts to worry."

"Thanks Steve, I'll tell you what I plan for her."

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now