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Natasha POV:

This time I woke to daylight streaming through my curtains, illuminating our bodies. I sat up, looking down at the sleeping beauty lying next, thinking about how I could surprise her. The perfect thought popped into my head so I crept out of bed and ran down to the kitchen hoping to see the right person.

"Wanda! Yes!" I exclaimed, seeing the brunette standing over a mixing bowl. She span around with a confused smile on her face.

"Hello Nat, what can I do for you?"

"I'm so glad you asked. Y/N had a really rough night," I quickly explained the events, "and I thought who better to help make her feel better than her best friend! What do you think, can you make her favorite breakfast for her?"

A mischievous smirk formed on her face and she looked me over. "What's in it for you Nat?" her eyes glinting red.

"Ugh, go ahead, you'd find out anyways from Y/N at some point," I said, pointing to my head. I could tell she was reading my mind as her eyes widen and she let out a squeal. She ran forward and gave me a warm hug. I hugged her back but stepped back, eyeing her.

"You can do the whole, 'if you ever hurt her I'll kill you' thing, but can I ask that you don't tell anyone else. I can trust you, but everyone else are such blabbermouths, and we're not ready for everyone to know."

Wanda nodded, turning back to her pancakes and continue making them. I sat down on the kitchen island and as Wanda cooked we chatted, and I began to appreciate how good of a friend she was. I smiled, comforted that Y/N had someone else in her life that was such a pure soul. Plating the pancakes and smothering them in maple syrup, Wanda started to hand the plate over to me. Before I could take them in my hands she tutted and said,

"If you ever hurt her, I'll kill you." She stared at me before breaking into a laugh and handing me the plate. I gave her a quick peck on her cheek to show my appreciation and left to surprise Y/N.


I rolled over in bed and felt an emptiness, so opened my eyes. Natasha wasn't there. Feeling too weak to move I grabbed my phone to text her but then realised that hers was on the bedside table as well. I leant forward and grabbed it, opening the camera before spamming it with selfies, ranging from silly ones to ones where I was pouting.

"What are you doing?"

I dropped her phone as I looked up at the doorway. Natasha was standing there smirking at me while holding a plate of pancakes.

"Morning beautiful," I said, smiling at her as she walked towards me. She sat down next to me holding the plate out in front of her.

"Surprise!" she said sweetly, and I couldn't help but take her all in. Her messy red hair, her sleepy green eyes, her crumpled bedclothes. As I looked at her shirt, I realised something.

"Is that my shirt!" I exclaimed, pointing at the familiar pattern. She immediately blushed, looking down at it.

"Well, I.. yeah... but." I giggled at her tongue-tied attempt at justification. I leant forward closer to her face whispering,

"You look good in it," before placing my lips on hers. She kissed back, until I heard Wanda walk towards us, "I forgot the chocolate sprinkles."

"Wanda!? What are you doing!" I shouted, shocked at my friend walking through the door so confidently.

"Relax, Y/N, she knows."

"You do?" turning to Wanda.

"Yeah, I mean who else makes the best pancakes in the city!"

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now