Only Our Beginning

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I woke up snuggled with Natasha, her leg drooping over my waist, her chest rising up in gentle breaths, and a slight snore escaping her perfect lips. I sighed contently as I looked over the body of my girlfriend, the images of last night filling my brain. Looking down at myself I noticed that I was covered in purple marks, and realised that Tasha had marked me, which is what she meant when she wanted everyone to know that I was hers.

I was hers. She was mine. I had never loved anyone more than I do her and certainly have not been loved by anyone more than her. When Tony asked me to work for him I never imagined that this was the way my life would turn out, but it was more than I could ever wish for. I had found my person, my only real goal in life, and had done it so early on in my life. I was undeniably and perpetually happy.

I soon began to notice how sticky and sweaty I felt so decided to run a bath. I slipped out from under Natasha's hold and shuffled to the edge of the bed but struggled to put weight on my legs. It finally dawned on me that when Tasha told me I wasn't going to be leaving today, it was because of this. I tapped into my powers, pushing myself off the bed and walked over to the bathroom, turning on the tap and pouring some bubble bath under the running water. 

"Y/N?" a voice called out from the bed. I walked back into the bedroom and saw Natasha rubbing sleep from her eyes. Instinctively I put my hands in front of me but I saw Natasha's brow burrow. She got up from the bed and walked towards me looking perfect as ever, and grabbed my hands looking sternly at me.

"I thought I made it clear last night that I love every, single, inch of you," she urged, drawing out every word. 

I blushed under her words, trying to find words, "Tasha, I-" but I was interrupted as she placed her soft lips on mine.

"I know my love, but I just want you to know that you can always feel comfortable in front of me," she said, pulling me into a hug. 

"Thank you Tasha," I sighed, feeling so grateful.

She broke our hug and looked into the bathroom, pulling me along with her till we reached the bath.

"Can I join you?" She asked, turning off the tap. I nodded and the next thing I knew she was picking me up and putting me in front of her as we sank into the water. She wrapped her arms loosely around my stomach as I leant back into her chest, my head sitting just below hers. She took a sponge from the side and started cleaning me up, making gentle circular motions all over my body humming as she did it. She tutted when she saw the hickeys on my chest and neck, enjoying the sight of herself on my skin, and I giggled as she traced them.

"You know, I was thinking of a Taylor Swift lyric and I think it applies to me."

"What is it angel?"

"'My name is whatever you decide and I'm just gonna call you mine.'"

Natasha snuggled closer to me and giggled in my ear,

"You're adorable."

"And you're mine" I replied, turning my head to kiss her, something I could never tire of doing. "I'm serious baby," I continued. "When I came here I knew something great was coming, granted I never expected it to be this, but I knew that this was only my beginning."

"Now," she murmured, lacing her fingers with mine, observing how they fitted perfectly together, "it's only our beginning."

We sat there, hands interlocked, humming until the water started to get cold and all the bubbles disappeared. 

"Right," I said, pulling her out, "how do you feel about a lazy day watching TV and eating snacks?" I posed the offer, wiggling my eyebrows until she gave in to laughter, moving forward to cup my face with her hands.

"I would love it." 

"Great, let's go," I giggled, running back to get into some comfy clothes. 

She followed me, looking confused. "Y/N, how do you have so much energy, I mean how can you move, or was I not good enough," she said, frowning.

"Oh no," I stopped her, "you rocked my world Tasha, as I think you saw." She giggled, the images flashing in her mind. "But you forget I do have superpowers. Super stamina to be exact."

She walked behind me and started tracing her finger along my hip. "I'll remember that next time," she husked, sending shivers down my spine before pulling a sweatshirt on my head playfully. 

"Hey!" I shrieked, pulling it over me so that I could see her once more. But she was already in her clothes, getting comfy on the bed, waiting for me to join her. She smiled as I walked over and plopped on the bed, opening her arms for me to join her. I shook my head before getting comfy, then pulled her into my arms. She snuggled into my neck, and I took a minute to take in her smell, feeling the calm wash over me. She had placed her hand on my stomach and then switched on the TV.

"So, what are we watching Miss Romanoff?"

I looked down to see her blush. "I'm kinda obsessed with Downton Abbey, but if you don't want to watch that it's totally okay."

"Are you kidding, I love that show! I mean hello, I used to live in a big house like that in the Costwolds."

"No you didn't!" She slapped my stomach in pure surprise, making me break out in laughter. 

"No, I didn't, I lived in a small house in the countryside by the sea, but seriously, Downton is a good show."

"Can you take me one day, Y/N?" she asked in hushed tones.

"To Downton?"

"No, to the sea. To England. To where you grew up. Take me anywhere with you, and I'll always come."

"I will Tasha, one day I will. Like you said, this is only our beginning. We have many adventures in front of us" I said as I kissed her head.

We settled into many episodes of the show as we cuddled and laughed and chatted the day away, spending it in pure happiness and bliss.

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now