the Best Christmas

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I wasn't going to tell Natasha this, but watching her get kidnapped and being the only one who could get her back was probably the worst thing that ever happened to me. I played it cool in front of her but I was freaking out every second until we got into that car. Now, three days later on Christmas Eve, I woke up to a nightmare about her being kidnapped again. The problem was, I didn't need my subconscious to create images, I already had them ingrained in my memory. 

I calmed myself down as I watched my girlfriend sleep peacefully, and pulled out my phone.

Wanda: Hey, you up?

Yeah, had another nightmare about Tasha.

Wanda: Just tell her Y/N, she can help.

I just don't want her to worry, and not just before Christmas.

Wanda: Omg yeah, it's Xmas eve where you are already isn't it?

Yeah, the wee hours of it hahahaha

Wanda: What have you got her?

Some books and a ring.

Wanda: Like a RING or just a ring?

OMG nooooo, not a RING, not yet at least. It's a promise ring. 

Wanda: That's so cute Y/N.

Don't think I've forgotten about you Wands. I've got so much stuff for you when I get back.

Wanda: French sweets????

The lot. You and Vision can share them ;);););)

Wanda: Stop it.

You're blushing, aren't you?

Wanda: Ugh, yes, I can't help it, anytime I think of him I get butterflies.

Teehee, I'm the best matchmaker in the history of matchmakers.

Wanda: I'm pretty sure I started liking him before you even realised

Oh, sorry, who orchestrated it so that he asked you on a date? 

Wanda: You, ugh I hate you sometimes.

I know, Wands, love you too.

Wanda: Get some sleep, Y/N

I'll try Wands, talk to you later. Love you

Wanda: Love you toooooo

I sighed as I put my phone away but jumped as I saw Natasha staring at me.

"Jesus, Tasha, that's terrifying!"

"Sorry, baby." She leant over and gave me a kiss. "Why are you awake?"

"Just texting Wanda."

"Uh, yeah I could see that. But why were you awake before that?"

I shrugged. "Just a bad dream."

"About me?"

I turned to her and saw that at some level she knew. 

"How did you know?"

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now