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Wanda had finally agreed to start training with me again. I knew she felt weird doing it without Pietro but I did really need the help. I was able to conjure the powers, but Wanda taught me how to control them and use them effectively. She also helped me deal with the psychological effects of them, the guilt, the nerves, the feelings of anger. While she had willingly chosen to experiment with the Mind Stone, she had no idea of what the consequences would be, so she was angry about that. Coupled with the anger of her brother's death, something she was certain wouldn't have happened if they hadn't gotten involved with the Mind Stone, she had a lot of misplaced passion. I was angry about pretty much everything, but Wanda helped me turn those feelings into power, which I started doing fairly regularly to her amazement. Apparently, it took her years to do what I was doing in months. Pretty cool. 

Sam continued sparring with me, allowing us to have our chats that I enjoyed so much. He always had funny stories about his home life, or something he had seen on his rounds, and never failed to make me laugh. Still, he always liked to stir trouble.

"So, how are you and Nat?" he asked, smirking at me as I dodged his punch.

"Nat and I are cool, nothing much is going on," I lied, punching back.

"Even as roommates?" he laughed, catching me on my jaw.

"Yes, even as roommates. She is very good at giving me my medicine but not much else. Sorry I don't have any juicy details to give you, Sam."

"I'm sure that'll change," he said smugly. I stopped my attack on him causing him to push me to the ground.

Looking up at his grinning face I asked, "What's that supposed to mean."

"Oh, nothing, just wait until the meeting this afternoon."

The meeting was formed by Nick Fury, a man that I'd only formed an opinion of through Natasha and the countless hours of work she did for him. Everyone was sat around the table, and I was sat chatting to Wanda and Bucky as I watched Natasha sidle in a sit in a chair opposite me. Wanda was telling me about a new dish she was planning on making when Fury walked in.

"I'll make this quick as this doesn't involve most of you, only two. But it's better that you are all kept in the loop as this is a fairly important mission."

So this is why I was here, it made sense as I had never been invited to an Avenger's meeting before.

"Natasha is going on a month long mission to Paris," I heard him say as my stomach dropped. A month? How was I supposed to deal with her being gone for that long? "Accompanied by Y/N."

Everyone turned to me in surprise, apart from Natasha who was looking at Fury.

"Uh, sorry sir to interrupt, but why me? I don't even work for S.H.E.I.L.D, and I'm definitely not an Avenger." I utter in complete shock.

"Well, Miss Y/L/N, you have powers and are incredibly intelligent, which makes you valuable. And useful. And, we need you to go undercover as a couple and you seem best matched to Agent Romanoff."

I narrowed my eyes at Natasha who was smirking to herself. I felt Wanda stifling a giggle and saw Sam also trying not to laugh. He definitely knew.

"Well, that pretty much sums it up. I'll send you both the mission statement, and have the plane ready for you in the morning. Goodbye, Agents." With that, Nick Fury walked out of the room, leaving the Avengers in stunned silence.

"But I'm going to miss Christmas!" I cried out, realising the saddest thing ever.

"Really, Y/N, that's the first thing you care about. Not, 'OMG I'm going on my first ever mission and it's for a month long and it's in Paris and it's with a super scary assasin'?" Sam teased, causing many of the team to laugh.

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now