A New Roommate

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Since deciding to stay friends with Y/N, the days went by quickly. She often visited me in the library and we would sit reading our books. I would sometimes still join her in her lab, but she was there less frequently as she would fall asleep in Wanda's room. Instead, I would sit in my chair, and reminisce over the last few months of having her in the tower. She added a different dynamic to the group, and she was still training her powers, but since Wanda was out of action, she hadn't mastered them fully, so Tony was still benching her. Y/N didn't seem to mind, in fact, she always seemed relieved when Tony told her she couldn't go, which puzzled me. Having powers would be so cool, and helpful, but she didn't seem to appreciate that.

One afternoon I heard a loud bang from the floor above but didn't think much about it. So much went on here, noise was to be expected. What was not expected was a knock on my door fifteen minutes later. I opened my door to see Tony and Y/N sheepishly standing behind him with a suitcase. I raised my eyebrow assessing the situation until Tony barged his way dragging Y/N along with him.

"Hey Tasha" she whispered as she was pulled past me. She had started calling me that about two weeks ago, probably because it was easier to say than Natasha, but I liked it, no one else called me it.

Tony spun around dramatically and pointed to the ceiling. "Y/N's pipe burst so now she needs a place to stay for about a week. I say your couch is comfy enough, don't you think?"

"Uh, yeah, for sure. I don't mind a new roommate." I replied, looking back and forth between Tony and Y/N. Staying friends was a lot easier when she wasn't sleeping five feet away from me.

"Great! I'll go get the rest of her stuff!" Tony declared, strutting out of the room with a wink directed in Y/N's direction. She was stood with her suitcase, looking awkward.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion, but I couldn't convince Tony any otherwise."

"Why would you think I'd mind Y/N?"

"I know you like your space, I guess..." she trailed off, sitting down on the couch.

"Well, you're very welcome here," I said smiling at her. "I mean you know your way around and I'm pretty sure I still have one of your shirts still in my closet." It wasn't in my closet, it was in the wash from wearing it too much, but she didn't need to know that.

She laughed, saying "It looks better on you anyways."

Tony arrived with another suitcase full of her stuff. After leaving, I helped Y/N unpack her things into some empty drawers I had while quizzing her on everything.

"And this...?" I said, holding up a T-shirt with Taylor Swift's face on it. She snatched it away from me and hugged it to her chest. I giggled at the cuteness, to which she turned and gave me a death glare.

"She's my favourite singer. She's just so lovely."

"Hey, I'm no hater! I love her music." I replied, appeasing her. She nodded, satisfied, and continued putting things away. Soon, her things were mixed with mine, making my room look a lot more lively and lived-in.

"Thank-you Tasha, for everything." She uttered, looking down at the floor.

"Of course, that's what friends are for," I stated.

She turned her head back to me and looked deep into my eyes like she was searching my soul. Her eyes looked offended, and her mouth downturned. It put me off, and I felt myself getting flustered. I couldn't do this, not again. I hated calling her my friend, but I had to. Walking quickly towards my door, I managed;

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now