The Night of Our Lives pt.2

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! smut warning!

Natasha POV:

I carried Y/N into my room as she placed kisses on my neck and jaw. Shutting the door I turned around and pushed her against it, making her gasp. I slipped my tongue inside her mouth and I felt her legs tighten around my waist, pulling me closer to her until I had to break the kiss. We were both breathing heavily already, and the night was just beginning. I let her slip to the ground as she traced her mouth down my neck until she reached the top of my dress. She looked up into my eyes, begging for permission before slipping the straps of my dress and pulling it down to reveal my red bra. Her gentle kisses continued down onto my breasts until she felt me tugging on her skirt. She stepped back, towards the bed, her eyes filling with fear.

"Y/N, has anyone touched you there before? Have you?" She dropped her head, embarrassed, shaking her head. Fire erupted in my stomach, as I walked towards her. I pulled her chin up with my finger and planted a kiss on her lips.

"My sweet angel," I whispered in her ear before sinking down to face her skirt. She watched as I moved my hands under her skirt and up to her pantie line, gasping as my fingers danced along the band. From the inside, I pulled her skirt down, revealing a black thong that was already soaking. I smirked to myself, proud of the effect I had on her. Wanting to take it slow, I let her step out of the skirt before I returned to kissing her. She melted into me, letting me have everything I wanted: her. I put my arms around her neck before reaching behind and unclip her hair, letting it fall behind her. She shook her head, letting it waterfall behind her as I admired the view.

"You're so beautiful baby," I uttered, the words barely leaving my mouth.

She took the headband off my head, tossing it to the side before planting her fingers in my hair as she deepened the kiss. I groaned against her mouth and I felt her smile before I bit her lip. She gasped at the new sensation but when I looked into her eyes, they were sparkling.

I pushed her onto the couch, straddling her as she squirmed underneath me. I leant down as I started sucking on her neck.


Tasha nipped my neck, causing me to let out a yelp but I recovered as she started gliding her tongue over the spot, soothing the pain. She started doing this all the way down my chest before ripping open my shirt. She stared hungrily down at me before whispering in my ear,

"I want everyone to know that you're mine."

"But Tasha," I started before she placed a finger on my lips.

"Hush darling, don't worry you won't be able to leave tomorrow anyways." I looked at her confused, but she giggled before returning to my chest. While she was occupied, I slipped my hands behind her back and undid her bra, letting it drop to the floor, as I gazed at my girlfriend. Her breasts were perfectly round and instinctively I moved my hands to cup them. She groaned against my neck, pleasing me as I continue to massage them. "You're are the most incredible woman I have ever seen Tasha," I whispered, to which she giggled in reply.

By this time I was only left wearing my lingerie and my tie, which Tasha used to pull me towards the bed. Before she could push me onto it as she wanted, I stopped and pulled her dress down, wanting to see every part of her. I blushed as I took her all in, she wasn't wearing any underwear, before my gaze returned to her emerald eyes. She licked her lips before removing my bra and thong, tossing them to the side. Now that we were both fully naked, she pushed me onto the bed, kissing my lips, using her finger to trace my face.

"Tell me if you ever want to stop, Y/N," she told me, becoming serious for a second. I smiled to myself, happy that she was so caring, but the happiness was quickly replaced by another feeling as I felt her breath on my inner thigh. I looked down and she was hovering over my heat, which was throbbing out of need.

"Tasha" I called out, looking at her.

"Yes my darling," she replied, looking back up at me.

"Please.." but I couldn't finish as she started to lick my folds. I gasped at this new feeling, but let her continue as it felt so good.

Natasha POV:

I wanted to make sure that Y/N felt comfortable as this was so much more than a hook up to both of us, but as soon as she gave me the go-ahead, my hunger for her took over. Her hips bucked as I placed my tongue inside her, and I moved my fingers up to start circling her clit. Gentle moans started to fill the air, and I could feel myself getting wetter just by listening to her. God, she really had complete control over me. Seeing that she was almost ready I took my mouth away and replaced it with two fingers, plunging them inside her. Her back arched as she got used to the feeling, her eyes widening as I found her g-spot and starting bending them and hitting it repeatedly. I wanted to watch her, to take in all her beauty and innocence, before adding a third finger. She audibly moaned, making eye contact with me as she smiled.

"Hey angel," I whispered, letting her feel what she was feeling.

"Tasha, I think I'm gonna" she started, unsure of what was happening to her. But I knew.

"Let it out darling," I said, pulling myself closer to her face while keeping the same pace, placing my lips on hers.

"Tasha!" She moaned into my mouth, letting her orgasm take over. I watched as she shuddered, riding out her cloud nine as she gazed into my eyes lovingly.

I removed my fingers and I saw as her eyes widened at the mess that was on them. She seemed a bit grossed out so I hopped off her and ran to the bathroom to wash my hands. I returned, looking as she lay on the bed, breathing heavily. I sat down next to her, stroking her face, admiring her beauty.

"What about you Tash? I want to give you what you deserve but I'm not sure I'm good enough," she said, sounding sad.

I smirked, an idea filling my head that would please both of us.

"I've got it covered baby." I positioned myself so that we were in the scissoring position. I started riding her gently as she got used to the mechanics before we were both bucking our hips together in a nice rhythm. Lucky that I was an extremely fit assassin and she had super stamina powers.

"I can feel you on me!" Y/N gasped out, enjoying the feeling.

"I know baby, you feel amazing," I moaned, picking up the pace, both of our heats slamming into each others. Her hands slipped on my breasts and once more started squeezing them, rubbing her thumbs over my nipples. "Y/N," I groaned, causing her to increase the pressure. I felt myself coming, and let the feeling wash over me whilst calling out my girlfriend's name. She came shortly after, moaning my name into my neck that had come down onto her's after my orgasm. I shifted off her to lay down next to her, as she rolled over to face me, a small smile on her face.

"I love you Natasha."

"I love you Y/N." I shuffled towards her, letting her turn around so that her butt nestled into my groin. I sighed contently. 

I was her first, and she was my last. 

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