I Want You

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Natasha POV:

I ran after Y/N, whose face was streaming with tears as she left the room. She had begun to get flustered as Wanda was speaking, and it came to a climax as she finished, causing her to break down and run out of the room. I followed her all the way up the stairs until I found her on the floor of my dark bedroom sobbing.

I ran forward and crouched in front of her saying;

"What's wrong, baby?"

She looked up angry, "Don't baby me Natahsa!" She stood up, shrugging my hand off of her arm.

"What do you mean!"

"I'd never treat me this shitty!" She screamed at me with her arms out wide, her face red and puffy, with tears still falling out of her eyes. I didn't answer, shocked at her outburst. "You were my everything!"


"No, don't," she interrupted me. "I don't want to hear it. I don't want you to shut me up again. I never know what's up with you! One minute I think I might have a chance with you and then you're making me feel so crappy about myself. Do you really hate me that much to play around with me!"


I was so overwhelmed with emotion that I just kept shouting at her despite her sad face that would have normally stopped me in an instance, but I kept on still going, still digging the knife deeper in the wound I had created in her.

"I mean really! I try so hard with you, and I always end up worse for it. And all of that with Bruce, and how you treated mine and Wanda's friendship! I did nothing but care for you, and how do you repay me, with heartbreak? God, did you ever care about me? Did I make a fool out of myself by trying to show you that I want you!?"

By this time she had moved up close to me that if I moved I could kiss her, and she grabbed my hands and shouted;

"I have been in love with you since the moment I met you! Do you know how hard it was for me to call you my friend, to see you happy without me! You completely control my brain, do you get that? You turned my whole world upside down, I live for you! I keep breathing for you! To see you smile and look at me gives me the strength to keep going!  You want me? Well I need you! It takes everything in me not to kiss you every chance I get!"

I stopped breathing in shock, hearing the words I had yearned to hear for weeks but had not let myself think like that. Not until I realised that I was in love with her too. I stepped even closer, if that was even possible, till our noses were touching, and I looked deep into her eyes before flicking down to her pink lips and back up.

"Kiss me then," I whispered.

With no hesitation Natasha lunged at me, pulling me into a passionate kiss. I let myself melt into it, taking in every moment. Time slowed so that every second felt like an eternity. Her hands let go of mine as they came up to the back of my neck and I felt mine move to her waist, pulling her into me. She grazed my bottom lip with her tongue, but I didn't give her access, wanting to make her pay. Frustrated she pulled on my ponytail, causing me to tilt my head back, and that's when she took her chance. Immediately, her tongue was inside my mouth, exploring every corner, causing me to let out a whimper. I felt her smile on my lips, as she continued with every perfect movement. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist as I pushed her against a wall, as we broke our kiss. I started on her jaw, making my way down to her neck, finding her sweet spot until she let out a gasp, and I let my tongue trace that spot as she leant her head into mine. I let her fall on her feet, still holding her, as we stood in each other's presence, fitting perfectly together.

"I love you, Tasha," I whispered into her ear, feeling her shiver under my breath.

"Now can I call you baby?" she giggled as I stood back to look into her eyes.

"Whenever you want Tasha," sighing contently as I looked at the girl of my dreams. I led her to her bed as we laid down together, wrapping my leg around her waist, and her slipping hers between mine. I swept the hair out of her face as I gazed longingly into her emerald eyes, leaving my hand on her face, stroking her cheekbone with my thumb.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you earlier, Y/N. I was so scared you wouldn't feel the same way that I was willing to sacrifice this," she looked down at our entwined body parts, "for still being friends with you."


"No, let me finished, please. I want to explain. My whole life, all people did was leave me. My mom, my family, everyone from where I was raised, all the agents I worked with until I came here. Joining the Avengers was my saving grace, and then I met you. The sexy, smart girl that made me swoon every time I saw her. I have a track record of self-sabotage, but I never thought about the other people involved. I'm sorry for that."

I giggled, looking back at her lips, "I'm not. Well, yes you made feel so crappy, but what's love without passion. Frost without fire? I mean that kiss was everything I've ever dreamt of," I said biting my lip, causing her to look at it. Pulling my face towards her by my jaw, our lips locked once more until she moved up to my nose and forehead. I snuggled into her chest, and she kissed the top of my head before starting to play with my hair.

"That was very Wuthering Heights of you, baby."

"I do try, nothing but the best for you."

She held me close, still in our dresses, as we fell asleep, both at peace, together. 

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now