Heart to Heart

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Natasha POV:

"Come on, get up!" I grunt, pulling on Y/N's arm. It was our fifth day in Paris and she had yet to leave our apartment. "I have plans."

She immediately jumped up with a smile, racing to the door. "Oh, well why didn't you say!" She teased me, smirking at me while I put on my jacket. She giggled as I flipped her off, but I couldn't help but smile as we made our way down the steps. My boots clicked on the stone steps as she effortlessly bounced down in her lilac Vans. Her hair was tied back in a loose ponytail and had a few baby hairs framing her face. I, on the other hand, left my hair down behind my back as I preferred on off days. We linked fingers as we stepped out onto the street and I pulled her along until I found our first stop.

"Baked goods for my sweetheart," I said, pulling her into my new favourite bakery. Her eyes lit up as she took in the rows of pastry. The owner of the shop walked to the counter and smiled at us, her eyes lingering on Y/N for a bit longer.

"Salut Marie!" my girlfriend exclaimed, walking towards the woman.

"Y/N, mon chou! Ca va? You're so grown up now!" she replied, kissing her on both cheeks. I stood still, shocked at the exchange.

"I'm doing well Marie. You look great!" she cooed, causing the woman to blush. Turning to me she continued, "Marie, this is my girlfriend Natasha."

"We've met actually, I've been coming here for the last few days but lovely to formally meet you," I said, still really confused. Seeing this, Y/N explained.

"Marie has been a family friend since before I was born. She was the first person I came out to and really helped me when my mum just kind of left." Marie rubbed her hand on Y/N's back before turning around and getting us some pain au chocolates and Chausson au Pommes like I had ordered the last times. We sat at one of the small tables as I started to interrogate my girlfriend. 

"Have you been to Paris before?"

"Tasha, for a super-spy you've really slipped here. I thought it was pretty obvious? You know, my extensive knowledge, my lack of enthusiasm to see the sights, the fact I know the baker by name." She giggled at my obliviousness which was now causing me some embarrassment. Catching on to this she placed her hand on mine and squeezed it, giving me a sympathetic smile. "In your defence, no-one knows. I'm not one to overshare, apart from with you, actually." She sits back, thinking over this. I guess it's true, she told me a lot the first night we met, but I had never seen her share that much with anyone else that quickly. 

"I guess it's my super-spy skills," I laughed smugly. 

"No, Tasha, no offense, you are amazing but no. It's because I'm head over heels in love with you." There go the butterflies again and it's only 9 am. "Half of my family is American, the other half is French. Some live in Versailles. I'd take the Euro Star from London and spend my summers with them here. Marie would let me help in the bakery until I learnt every trick of the trade. When my mum disowned me for being gay, Marie took me in whenever I needed her. And then, by chance, you stumbled across her. And I couldn't be happier that the only woman I'll ever love is in the only place I had called home."  By this point, tears were threatening to expose me, but luckily Marie interrupted us with two cups of cocoa. Y/N gratefully started sipping but I kept gazing at her, the butterflies trying to escape.

"You don't have to say anything, Tasha, it's fine, you've probably heard it before from other people, but I wanted to get it off my chest." She shrugged embarrassed, looking back down at her cup. I reached over and took her chin with my hand, forcing her to look at me.

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now