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We woke to the sound of laughter coming from outside our hotel room. Natasha helped me up from the bed and we stumbled to the door. Upon opening it, we saw that Wanda and Sam were outside, holding a plate of food. 

Taking in our dishevelled appearances, Sam whistled. "Damn, you really do need this food!" Both Tasha and I were too tired to respond so we simply took the tray from Wanda who smiled sweetly at us. Tasha walked away from the door to start eating, but I wanted to talk to my friends.

"How was the rest of the reception?"

"Oh, it was really fun, Steve even asked Bucky to dance, with him" Wanda noted, making my girlfriend shriek. 

"He did what!" Tasha ran back to the doorway, looking expectantly at my best friend. Wanda simply shrugged as there was not much else to say. "I'm sorry baby but I have to go see him!" 

I giggled as she ran through the hallway, her route set on finding Steve. Sam and Wanda left me to eat and get ready for the day, and I got a text from Natasha telling me to meet her in the foyer of the hotel. I slipped back into my dress, since I had nothing else with me, and made my descent. I strolled through the extravagant hallways of the hotel, taking in the gold marbled floor and the many mirrors adorned on the walls. I smoothed out my hair after seeing my reflection before coming face to face with Tony and Pepper. I smiled warmly as I walked towards them, but they were deep in conversation with each other to notice. I waited until they were done, and caught Pepper's eye who instantly waved me over. 

"Hey, darling!" Pepper cooed, pulling me into a hug.

"Hey Pep, Tony." I nodded my head in greeting, and he responded similarly, making me giggle. "So what's the next plan for the newlyweds?"

"We've decided to put off our honeymoon until Morgan has arrived and someone can babysit her," Tony looked insinuatingly at me before continuing, "so it's just back home for us."

"So why is the jet still scheduled?" I asked, having seen the flight plans on my work calendar. 

Tony held his finger up to me, signalling me to wait for his answer. Instead, he called out for my girlfriend who came running over. She collided with me, causing all four of us to laugh. She kissed me on the cheek as she apologised.

"Since we already booked the pilot and staff, Pepper and myself were thinking, why waste the trip? Why not let our favourite people have a little trip away for themselves?"

Tasha and I looked at each other, piecing together what he was saying.

"Tony are you saying what we think you're saying?" Natasha asked, taking my hand in hers and squeezing it excitedly. He nodded, and we both yelped. I leant forward to kiss Tony on the cheek as Natasha did the same to Pepper. 

"We had your bags packed last night, and the jet is waiting for you upstairs on the roof, so go! Enjoy our honeymoon!" Tony cheered as we ran to the lift waving frantically as the doors shut.

The pilot greeted us courteously as we boarded and I took in the impressiveness of the private jet. Private was so much nicer than commercial. Tony had designed it himself, as one could tell by the Stark logo that was on every item in the jet, the man was anything but subtle. We sank into the luscious leather chairs as the flight attendant walked over to us.

"Where to ladies?" She smiled at us both, clearly picking up on our happiness.

It suddenly hit me that I had no idea where to go, but Natasha saved me by interjecting.


I turned to her, my mouth agape, but she silenced me by kissing me.

"You're going home, baby," she whispered against my lips before gracing me again with her lips. What started out innocent pretty quickly turned heated, and we had to awkwardly stop when the pilot announced our departure over the speakers. We put out seatbelts on and I let my head find Natasha's shoulder and her hands, mine. 

"You know, Tasha." She turned her head to look down at me whilst I looked up, tracing patterns on her hands. "I'm not actually going home. Home is wherever I'm with you."

She scrunched up her nose, "You're so cheesy, Y/N. But I love it, and you."

I sighed in reply, letting my eyes close as I focused on the rise and fall of Natasha's chest, and quickly, we were both asleep as the jet flew over the Atlantic.


"Oh come on! Don't tell me you've never had a roast dinner!" I stared incredulously at my girlfriend who was shrinking in her seat from embarrassment as many of the people in the pub turned to look at the excitement.

"I'm having it now, Y/N, so why does it matter!"

"Just remember to thank me after your life has changed once you've tried a Yorkshire pudding."

"You're such a goof!" Natasha laughed at me across the table, and I couldn't help but join her. It was now our third day in England, and Tasha had forced me to bring her to my hometown by the sea. I spent yesterday showing her all the little shops and cafes, and we had spent today going for a hike in the hills. Now, I was showing her the real English experience, a pub dinner. Natasha had been adorable as I showed her where I grew up. She seemed so genuinely interested that I had to stop myself from kissing her every second of the day out of love.

The waitress appeared with our food and once she placed it on the table, we both pounced. An array of satisfied noises came from Natasha as she tried the different parts of the dinner. I instructed her to pour some gravy on her Yorkshire, and when she placed it in her mouth, her eyes lit up.

"Good, isn't it," I giggled, watching her shove the rest of it in her mouth. The gravy had started to drip down her chin, so I leant forward and wiped it away. She looked at me as I had my thumb in my mouth with an unreadable look on her face.

"You can't waste the gravy, Tash!" I defended myself, wiping my finger clean with my napkin.

"That wasn't what the look was for, baby." I swallowed nervously as I understood.


The night ended just like the others had, in a very honeymoon style. 


A/N - Hey! Sorry for the shit storyline and writing, I'm kind of losing the plot! I think I may end this story soon as it seems to be slowing down naturally. Anyways, hope you are all well and happy, and if not - remember that you are loved :)

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now