Our Spot

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The next few days I spent my days working and with Wanda and Sam, and spent the evenings and nights with Natasha, still keeping our relationship a secret. It made it exciting and special, something that was only ours. Wanda knew but I would trust her with my life, and she was very polite to only talk about it when I wanted to.

One lunch we were eating our sandwiches together when she caught me staring at Natasha through the window. Her soft giggles brought me back into the moment I blushed realising what I had done. 

"You really like her, don't you Y/N?" she smiled, before taking another bite of her sandwich.

Butterflies started in my stomach as I thought about her. "When I used to hear people talk about love, you know, how the right person would make you feel whole, I never believed them. I still don't, I never felt empty without her, but she makes me safe, secure like I never have to worry about anything. She amplifies my love for life and makes the colours of the world seem brighter."

Wanda only nodded in response, her attention being captured by Vision who had walked into the room and then out again.

"Did you see it coming?" I asked her, genuinely curious.

She titled her head in thought. "I knew you cared for her deeply. You know the day we first saw each other and you turned away because my eyes glowed red?" I nodded slowly. "The reason I was drawn to you is that I could feel the worry you felt for her when she was gone. It was so strong that I couldn't ignore it. It was like you're entire body and soul ached for her. And then when I kept seeing you together I could tell the feeling was mutual, but I really had no clue the extent of your feelings for each other."

"Do you think everyone can tell?" 

"Oh no, don't worry Y/N. I'm just very good at picking up emotions, you know, because of the mind stone."

"Is that why Vision frustrates you so much?" I tease, pushing her to tell me more about how she felt about him.

"What- what do you mean?" She stuttered, but I wasn't fooled.

"Oh please Wanda, I see how your eyes linger on him for just a bit too long. You like him!" I shrieked under my breath.

She blushed and smiled at me, "I think I do, but it's complicated."

"The whole being an android thing?"

"Yeah, that."

"Don't stress about it Wanda, just let it happen. He certainly seems intrigued by you too. I mean when he asked about love and then couldn't take his eyes off you when you described it, he was definitely experiencing something."

"I just wish I knew what he felt, if he does at all." She shrugged, picking at the remnants of her lunch.

"The best advice I can give you Wanda is just to spend time with him, build a connection and then let it happen. And if it doesn't happen naturally, make it happen. There's nothing worse than worrying if the person liked you back or not. You might as well bite the bullet, and who knows, maybe the best thing will happen to you."

"Thanks Y/N, I'll keep that in mind."

That evening, as we were having a team movie night I saw Wanda place herself next to Vision and settled into a gentle conversation. Vision seemed satisfied, and Wanda's eyes were glowing, making me smile.

"Hey there pretty girl," Natasha whispered, sinking into the sofa next to me. "What's got you all smiling."

I nodded my head over to Wanda and Vision, "Wanda seems really happy, don't you think?"

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now