The Night of Our Lives

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Natasha POV:

It was Halloween. Wanda had overdone herself decorating, every hallway was filled with fake cobwebs and spiders, and she had a lot of fun using her powers to move fake clowns around to give us all a jump. Dodging a giant spider hanging from the ceiling I walked down the hallway to my bedroom and as I turned the corner I saw Y/N talking to Tony.

"Is everything set?" he asked, leaning in close to her.

"Yes, don't worry, it will be perfect," she replied with a wink, seemingly comforting him. They both saw me as I walked towards and Y/N gave me a sweet shy smile while Tony cheered.

"Agent Romanoff! You ready for tonight? It's gonna be the night of our lives!" he exclaimed before being elbowed in the chest by my girlfriend.

"Is that so," I said raising my eyebrow. I saw Y/N squirm as she watched me, she loved when I raised my eyebrow at her, but she had to keep it under wraps as Tony was still there.

"Yup, don't be late! See you in an hour." He reminded us, leaving us standing in the hallway together. Taking me by surprise, Y/N took my hand and pulled me into my room, slamming it behind her.

"Well hello there beautiful," I said, feeling my breathing getting heavier as she looked at me through her e/c eyes.

"Hi gorgeous," she said, walking towards me and pulling me into a firm kiss. Pulling away she sighed, saying "God, I missed you."

"I was only gone a day honey." I chuckled, but I felt the same way.

"I hated the empty bed, I hated not being able to touch you, hug you, kiss you." She pushed me back against the door, once more placing her sweet lips on mine. I felt the whole world slip away as she held onto me for those few seconds.

"Remind me to never go away again." I uttered as she pulled away.

"Oh I will," smirking as she walked away.

I turned on some music as we got ready, singing our hearts out together as we put on our costumes and put on makeup. Once we were done, we looked at each other. Y/N looked absolutely incredible; we had decided to turn her into a sexy English teacher since one of her nicknames was Miss Dictionary. She wore a small black skirt, barely covering her butt, with a white shirt that had half the buttons undone. She had loosely tied a tie around her neck and her hair was done up in a claw clip.

"You look so hot."


The way Natasha said hot lit a fire inside of me. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks as I watched her assess me. To take my mind off of it, I studied my girlfriend standing in front of me. She had dressed up as Karen from Mean Girls, I'm a mouse duh, which meant she was sporting a gorgeous tight black dress and a pair of mouse ears.

"You take my breath away Tasha. You are absolutely incredible." I said, taking in every inch of her.

"Oh stop it, or I'll have to redo all my makeup after I'm done with you," she giggled, winking at me lightly.

I chuckled and held out my hand for her to take. She looked down, and I understood what she was thinking.

"It's Halloween everyone will be drunk, it will give us a good excuse to dance together."

"But you won't be drunk, everyone knows that."

I shrugged, pushing the worry away.

"By the end of the night, I promise you we will not be on their minds."

Only my beginning: Natasha Romanoff x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now