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October 26th, the night Tasha and I got together. The most magical night of my life, a date that will forever be engrained in our hearts.

1 Year Anniversary:

Tasha woke me up with flowers as I groaned at the light in our room. She giggled softly, climbing on top of me to attack me with kisses.

"Happy anniversary, baby."

I got Wanda to help me make a romantic dinner for her, setting up a table on the roof and watching the sunset as we sipped on our wine. I gave Natasha a set of engraved knives and she got me a first edition War and Peace book.

2 Year Anniversary:

"Y/N, baby, where are you?" Natasha stumbled into the living room looking for me, as I was currently hiding behind the sofa with Yelena. 

"Hey, sis!" "Happy anni!" We both popped out and Natasha squealed and ran over, engulfing her sister in a hug.

"Since when does Natasha Romanoff squeal?" Yelena mocked her sister, making me elbow her in the ribs.

"Since she sees her sister for the first time in two years!" Natasha exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. "Thank you, baby. I love you so much."

We spent the day exploring New York city with Yelena until Natasha pulled us down a street. 

"Nat, where are we going?" Yelena asked as she shoved her doughnut in her mouth. Powdered sugar lined her mouth and I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"We're going to get Y/N present!" I looked at her confused until we stopped in front of a cat adoption centre. I turned wide-eyed towards her and she nodded, ushering me inside. "I spoke to Tony and he's fine with a cat in the building, so it's now up to you."

I wandered through the aisles of cats, wanting to take them all home until I stopped in front of a name sign. "Tasha!" She ran over to me. She followed my eye line and saw the name of the black and white cat that was sat in front of us. "She's called Cheddar!" Cheddar had found her forever home that night.

3 Year Anniversary:

"I can't believe she's performing on our anniversary, how perfect is that!" I exclaimed as I got into my outfit, calling over to Tasha who was putting her make-up on. 

"I know, it's pretty crazy. I can't wait to see Taylor perform again, I bet it's going to be amazing." We giggled as we looked forward to the night's events.

It was an hour and a half into the show when Taylor's mom walked up to us and beckoned us to follow her. I was confused but happily followed her to the steps of the stage, bypassing all of the security guards.

Taylor's voice boomed over the speaker as we walked up the stairs. "And now, can you please give the biggest hand to my friends Natasha and Y/N!" The audience burst into screams at seeing the Black Widow in person, and I couldn't help but stare at the sheer masses of people in the crowd. Natasha pulled on my hand, dragging me over to Taylor who was smiling at me. "I'm now going to hand over to Nat, who has something to say."

I stared at Tasha as she took Taylor's microphone and turned to me. It was so weird seeing us on the big screens but I let myself focus on the beautiful woman in front of me.

"Hi everyone. I'm Nat, and this is Y/N. Just over three years Y/N came into my life and completely flipped it upside down. She makes me the happiest I have ever been and does so much for others that I often wonder if she has a normal-sized heart. I am so lucky that three years ago today she let me love her, so today," she got on one knee and took out something from her pocket, "I'm asking her to marry me." The crowd burst into screams as I stared down at the woman on her knee. 

A soundman was standing near to me holding out a microphone so that everyone heard me when I said, "I hate you."

Everyone went silent as Natasha blinked at me slowly until I pulled out the ring I was saving until after the concert. A girl in the crowd close to the stage yelled out, "She's got a ring!" Natasha's eyes flicked down at my hand and saw the diamond, and started smiling to herself.

I took the microphone from the man and started speaking. "Natasha and I are similar in two ways, we both obviously love Taylor, and we are helpless romantics when it comes to each other. And that's why I was planning on proposing to Natasha on our 3 year anniversary. But it seems like she beat me to it. But, I'm still going to ask my question." I got on one knee, mirroring Natasha as I asked, "Natasha, will you marry me?" 


The crowd starting screaming as we ran to each other and embraced, sobbing into each other's shoulders. I slipped the ring onto her finger as she slipped her's onto mine. We held hands as we walked off stage, barely listening to Taylor's congratulations as we just existed in our happiness. 

4 Year Anniversary:

I picked up Morgan as she nestled into my neck and made my way out of the house I had just bought. Tony and Pepper were standing outside waiting for me with big smiles on their faces, watching as I locked the door with my keys and slipped them into my pocket. I strolled down to the car and tried to give Morgan over to Pepper, but she was having none of it.

"No, sissy, don't let me go!" Morgan cried into my shoulder. 

I pulled my head back so that she could look into my eyes. "Don't you want me to go get Auntie Nat?" Hearing this, she nodded eagerly and let Pepper scoop her up into her arms. I gave a kiss to both Pepper and Tony as I drove off to pick up Natasha.

"Hey, baby," Tasha cooed as she slipped into the front seat. 

"Hi, love," I leant over and kissed her, never tiring of her lips. 

"Where are we off to?" 

"You'll find out very soon, don't worry that pretty head of yours." She scoffed but settled into her seat. 

We soon pulled back into the driveway, and Natasha's eyes were widening. But as soon as she shut the car door, she was attacked by Morgan.

"Auntie Nat!"

"Hey, there munchkin" Tasha smothered her in kisses which left Morgan a heaping mess of giggles. 

Once Morgan returned to her parents I handed Natasha the key. On the label, it said, 'The Romanoff's'. She turned to me with a smile on her face as we ran to the door. The key clicked into the lock and Natasha took her first step into our new home. On the wall opposite the door the only picture already there was our wedding picture, taken three months ago.

"Y/N, you did not just buy a house!" Tasha shrieked as she walked through the hallways.

"Happy anniversary, wife."

A/N - That's it besties! This story is finally done and I hope y'all are happy with the ending, but I really just wanted to get it done. I'll be back soon with a new book, so for now, stay safe, stay happy, and continuing loving Nat <3

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