Chapter 1

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It's the summer before senior year. And my plan this year is to live life to the fullest, no matter what.

Sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet... my name is Haley Cooper. I'm 17 years old (18 in three weeks). I live in Outer Banks, North Carolina. I've been here my whole life, I don't know any other way. My parents are Doug and Cindy Cooper. Dad is a doctor, mom is a teacher. I have one sibling, a younger brother named Blake (14). We live on the north side of the island, most commonly known as Figure 8. The people are really nice but I keep to myself for the most part, only really hanging out with the other rich kids when I have to... or when mom and dad make me.

They are really big on me being "popular" or "known" but that's not me. I mean, everyone knows me, it's a small island. My parents just don't want me to be average. They want me to be above average. Not only in school but in the way I dress and present myself. And with the people I'm around.

Regardless of my parents opinions, I have two best friends, one is a Kook and the other a Pogue. A Pogue is basically a person that lives on the other side of the island, aka the Cut. They are the hard working, middle to lower class. My friends are not friends with each other though, in fact they can't stand each other.

My Kook friend is Sarah Cameron, Kook Princess. Her father is Ward and he is the most notable man in the Outer Banks. He owns Cameron Development which is a multimillion dollar real estate development company. So needless to say, they are the richest of the rich.

My other friend is only an honorary Pogue. She was born a Kook but hates them, me being the exception. Her name is Kiara Carrera. Her dad owns one of the most popular restaurants on the island, The Wreck. And while her family is rich too, she loves slumming it with those 3 Pogue boys. I'm not close to them but Kiara loves them so I accept it.

Two very different people, but I am a mixture of both and it works great. And I'm actually a year older than both of them.

Unfortunately, tonight I have promised the princess that I will join her for the end of the school year party. It seems like every time I go to these things with her, I get in trouble. Last year we came back to her house drunk and her dad called mine. My parents were furious and I was grounded for two weeks. Sarah is her dad's favorite, everyone knows that, so she basically got a slap on the wrist and a long talk. No consequences. I love her to death but I hate that I'm always the one getting in trouble. I don't want to go but I promised her I would as long as we didn't get into trouble... again.

The worst part about it is that I will be third wheeling at the party. Sarah's boyfriend, Topper, is hosting at his house. I don't know how I feel about him just yet, he seems pretty clingy if you ask me.

My phone rings, Sarah's name popping up on the screen, "Hey! Are you ready yet?"

"Almost. Sarah, do I really have to go? I would much rather stay at home and hang out."

She scoffs, "Haley! You promised me! Don't be a flake!"


"We are going! Plus you might find a boy toy tonight. You never know..." she giggles.

I roll my eyes, "Whatever... look, be at my house in 30. I will be ready then."

She says okay and I finish getting ready.

*30 minutes later*

I grab my things because I'm sure I will stay at Sarah's after the party. After telling my parents goodbye, I walk outside to meet my bestie.

"Hey bitch!" I say as I climb into her passengers seat.

"What's up? I feel like I haven't seen you in literally a year."

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