Chapter 33

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AN: Ahh! We are getting close to the end of this book! I'm not sure how many more yet, but it will be soon!

Hope you all enjoy this chapter!🤍

TW: mentions drug use and abuse


Four days since the party. Four days since I saw him. Four days since he hurt me. Four days of laying in my bed, not having the energy to move.

Four days of complete and total heartbreak.

After the party last Saturday night, my whole world collapsed around me. As soon as the car door closed behind me in the driveway, every tear was released from my body. I have never cried like I did that night. And I swore after the first breakup it couldn't get any worse. Damn, was I wrong. Sarah was so worried about me that she almost called my mom and dad to come get me. I begged her not to. I didn't need them questioning me.

The next day, when I woke up, my body was near limp. I couldn't move, nor did I want to. My mom came to check on me but I had cried so hard the night before, that I couldn't talk. My throat was so dry and sore. Sarah texted me to check and make sure I was alright. I replied but only with a simple 'fine.' The only time I got food that day was when my family brought it to me. I didn't eat it. The thought of consuming anything other than water made me want to vomit.

Monday was pretty much the same as Sunday. Yesterday, Tuesday, was no better. I've barely slept, the only thing I've eaten in the past four days was some peanut butter crackers and some Sour Patch Kids. Even those things made me feel horrible. Luckily my mom had some medicine to help me sleep so I took some of that last night and finally got some rest.

That brings me to today... Wednesday. I'm running on 8 hours of sleep thanks to that pill I took. Still not sure what it was but honestly I don't care. Since I've slept, I figure I should eat something. It's almost 11am when I get up. I sling my legs over the side of the bed and slide off. My feet hit the ground, almost making my knees buckle. I steady myself and walk out into the hallway. Blake sees me emerge from my cave and follows me downstairs to be nosy. Mom hears footsteps, not realizing that it's me, and says, "Blake! You need to clean your room before you go to Joseph's house later!"

I step into the kitchen and dad lifts his head up to look my way, "Son, you heard your m-"

My eyes meet his, I mumble, "Hi."

"Oh um... hey. How are you today?" Dad asks.

I shrug my shoulders. He nods, not questioning me any further. But Blake, of course, has to open his fat mouth. As per usual. "You've been in your room for a week. All I've heard through the night is screaming and crying."

"Honey, your sister is going through a really tough time right now. Leave her alone, please." Mom asks of him.

I drag myself over to the pantry to get a snack. As I'm stocking up, so that I don't have to come back down today, Blake starts talking again. "Oh, I know she is. I saw the whole thing on a video."

"What?!" My head turns to him quickly.

"You haven't seen it? Everyone always videos your drama. I'm okay with it because then, I can be nosy." He laughs.

Dad inquires, "What are you talking about?"

I don't have the energy to ask him to stop. I'm sure that they would see it eventually. Really, it's probably best that I don't tell them. Only out of fear that I will go back into my deepest depression if I speak about the events.

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