Chapter 5

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It's our first full day of vacation and we decided to stay at the house, go to the beach and swim all day. Sarah and I took Wheezie down to the beach this morning. It was so peaceful and quiet down there.

After a few hours on the beach, we make our way back up to the house to swim in the pool. I have on a triangle bikini top with blue and pink flowers on it and matching cheeky bottoms. Sarah and Wheezie are swimming while I'm laying out by the pool. My eyes are closed when I feel someone blocking my sun. I open my eyes and say, "Dude you're blocking my s-"

Rafe is standing near me, taking off his shirt to join his little sisters in the pool. He notices my staring and the fact that I stopped talking mid-sentence. He doesn't say anything, he just jumps in the pool splashing me and the girls.

Wheezie screams, "RAFE! YOU ALMOST DROWNED ME!"

"Don't be so dramatic. I barely splashed you." He states.

Sarah doesn't comment, but she notices my staring. While she notices, I make sure that my sunglasses are positioned to where I can watch him without anyone realizing. I have seen Rafe without a shirt many times before but over the past year he must have been hitting the gym even more than usual. He has always been muscular but now... holy shit.

He gets out of the pool and walks over to me. I look up at him and ask, "What do you want?"

"To do this." He pulls out a water gun that he must've grabbed when I wasn't staring. He sprays me with it, making me jump at the coldness.

"Stop! It's cold!" I laugh at his actions.

Wheezie jumps out of the pool and passes by us, "Gross. Get a room, guys."

I roll my eyes at her, "Shut up, Wheeze."

Rafe puts the water gun down and sits in the lounge chair beside me. Sarah gets out of the pool and sits the the chair to my left. "Where did you even get that thing?" Sarah asks referring to the water weapon.

"The box that dad filled with toys when we first built the house." He points to a large plastic container filled with outdoor toys.

Sarah kicks back in the chair for about five minutes until Wheezie yells at her from the back door. "SARAH! Can we go to the tennis courts?"

"Yeah! I will be over there in a minute." She looks at me and asks, "Do you want to go?"

"Nah. I'm just gonna lay out here, I need a tan anyway." I say.

She shrugs and stands up, "Suit yourself. Be back in a little bit."

Once the two girls are out of sight, Rafe sits on the side of the chair facing me. "You know, we could actually get a room. There's plenty in the house." He says with a smirk.

"Look Rafe, I don't know what has gotten into you lately, but it's not gonna work. Sarah is my best friend, I don't wanna mess that up." I say.

His smirk only grows wider, "I don't know what has gotten into me... but I know what can get into you."

"RAFE!" My eyes widen.

"Hey... look at me." Rafe grabs my hand. I sit up on the edge of the seat. "Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want this."

I look him in the eyes... but I can't say that I don't.

I want it. But I can't. "No, I can't do this." I stand up from the chair and walk away. He follows behind me quietly, not wanting his dad to hear us. I make it to the room I'm staying in and he stands in the doorway.

I'm so tempted by him. Trust me when I say I want nothing more than to turn around and kiss him.

I feel his presence behind me, his large hands grip my hips that are only covered with the strings of my swimsuit. His fingers draw circles on my skin, his lips graze the side of my neck. My eyes close and I take a deep breath before turning myself around to face him. My hands quickly grab his jaw as I slam my lips against his. I'm taken aback by my sudden action, so I keep my lips still for a moment. Once I'm over the shock, I loosen up and wrap my arms around his neck. His arms wrap tightly around my waist, pulling me closer than I have ever been to him. Our lips move in perfect harmony. I feel him smile into the kiss. My teeth graze his bottom lip, to which he makes a low moan. His fingers find the strings to my top and pull in a quick motion. This makes me stop immediately.

Bad Habits (A Rafe Cameron/OBX story)Where stories live. Discover now