Chapter 20

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"Don't fall asleep, Haley." Rafe tells me.

"I'm not! How could I fall asleep to this?!"

The two of us are at my house, sitting on the couch and watching a scary movie. Rafe is sitting against the arm of the couch, his legs stretched across the cushions. My body is positioned in between his legs and my head rests on his chest. His fingers trail up and down my arm in the most soothing way possible. And I could almost fall asleep... if it weren't for this movie!

He scoffs, "Oh come on, it's not even that scary!"

"Yes it is! I'm scared!" I grab his arms and pull them around me.

"Is that your excuse to get closer to me?" He laughs.

I roll my eyes, "No... but also yes."

"If you're still scared tonight then I guess I will just have to sleep over and make sure you're safe."

Looking up at him, I say, "I'm terrified and I will be for the rest of the night. Maybe even tomorrow."

Rafe laughs and pulls me closer to him, kissing me on the top of my head. The movie ends within the next 20 minutes. And I think he can tell that I'm shaken a bit by the movie. So, to cut the tension, he digs his fingers into my sides and tickles me. "Rafe! Stop it!" I laugh.

I jump up off of the couch trying to get away but he quickly grabs me, pulling me back to straddle his lap. After trying to get him to stop poking me, I finally get him to stop. My face is red from laughing so hard and his is the same way. We both catch our breath and stare into each other's eyes. His hand reaches up to cup my face. I lean into his hand and close my eyes. When I open them, he is still watching me with adoration. Then he says, "Come to Midsummers with me."

I sigh, "Rafe, I don't know if we can."

"I don't care. I want you to be my date. You can wear a beautiful dress that matches my suit. We can take pictures like a real couple should be able to. And we can dance all night long."

"That sounds so nice." I smile.

He holds my hands, "Then let's do it."

My mind rolls with possibilities. I want to say yes but I don't know if I will be able to spill the beans to Sarah in the next two weeks. "Let's see what happens in the next couple of weeks, okay?"

"Okay." He says with a look of disappointment.

I grab his face, "Hey. I promise we will go public soon. Just give me some time."

He nods his head and I give him a kiss. I break away but he grabs my face, pulling me back to kiss him. My upper body lays on him, his hands holding my hips. Our lips tangle together as we enjoy the feeling of us together. Slowly, I rock my hips against him, earning a low moan from him. Rafe's hands grip my ass tightly, helping me grind on his lap. I grab his bottom lip with my teeth, lightly biting it before letting it go. When I see his face, he is in awe of my boldness. I smirk at him as I grab the hem of my shirt, pulling it off of me. His hands immediately grab my breasts while they are still covered with my new bra. He quickly notices the new fabric, "Did you get a new bra?" He asks as he snaps the strap on this shoulder.

"Yeah. You like it?" I ask with a smirk.

"I fucking love it." He says while massaging my breasts through the fabric and leaning in to kiss my neck. My hands pick at the buttons on his shirt, unbuttoning them one by one. Once his bare chest is exposed, I run my hands down his body, feeling every muscle. A breath catches in my throat when I feel his bulge against my center. He chuckles, "Do you want to go upstairs?"

I nod my head. He scoops me up, only holding me with one arm as he climbs up the stairs. Rafe puts me down to remove his shirt completely. I take off my pants and he does too. I push him onto my bed and his mouth falls open. He smirks when I climb on top of him, straddling his waist. He sits up, wraps his arms around me and kisses me. When he pulls away, he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. I smile at the sweet gesture before things get heated again. With his arms still around me, he unclasps my bra and removes it. The garment is thrown across the room as he begins to kiss my chest. His hand moves slowly to my panties, slipping his fingers under the fabric when he gets there. He touches me, making my body shiver at the feeling.

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