Chapter 3

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"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I yell across the house.

I step into my house. It's a pretty big house on the water. My room is on the second floor and so is my brother's, but on the other side of the house. If that makes any sense.

"In the kitchen, honey!" Mom says.

Upon entering the kitchen, I smell whatever food my mom is cooking. She is the best cook ever and whatever she makes is always a hit with my friends and family. "What are you making?"

She turns and smiles, "Chicken with rice and green beans. Not super fancy but it sounded pretty good."

"Yum! Let me go change out of my wet clothes and I will be right back." I head upstairs to my room, passing my little brother in the process. He doesn't say anything because he is always playing those stupid video games. That's all that the kids do these days. Listen at me, I sound like an old lady.

I get to my room and change into some sweatpants and a t-shirt that I stole from Sarah. She knows I have it but she doesn't care. I'm sure she has a shit ton of my clothes.

When I get back downstairs, my dad is home. "Hey sweetie. What did you do today?"

"Hung out with friends all day." I smile and help set the table. We all gather for dinner, including my brother, say our blessings and begin eating.

"So, who were you hanging out with?" Dad asks.

I swallow my food, "Sarah this morning. Kiara and the guys this afternoon. We went fishing."

My parents scrunch their nose in disgust. I love my parents, but they are snobs. "What?" I ask.

"Why were you fishing with those Pogues? You should've stayed with Sarah all day. You need to let her set you up with one of her boyfriends' friends. That would be great." My dad so lovingly states.

I roll my eyes, "Dad, I like 'those Pogues'! They are my friends. Kiara mostly, but the guys are cool too. And I don't need Sarah setting me up with a guy."

He scoffs, "They are no good, Haley. Kiara would be fine if she would get her head on straight. Those boys have brainwashed her."

I try my best to keep my mouth shut... only for my dad to speak up again.

"You know who you should date... Rafe! He's a nice young man." Dad says with glee.


Mom chimes in, "Oh yes! And he's handsome, so you both would give us such beautiful grand-babies!"


My stupid ass little brother has to put his two cents in, "Yeah like Rafe Cameron would go for her... she's a loser."

Mom and dad yell, "Blake! You apologize!"

"STOP IT! All of you stop!" I stand up from the table and exclaim. "I'm fine just the way I am! Loser or not! Pogue or Kook! I'm good!"

I throw my dishes in the sink and stomp up the stairs to my room. Of course, dating Rafe would be amazing, but I really like him specifically for his looks. Obviously I know him, but not in a relationship type of way. But he doesn't see me like that so I need to get over it. Besides... Sarah is my best friend. I don't wanna jeopardize that.


"Okay Ms. Kook Princess, I will be over in 10 minutes!" I get off the phone with Sarah. She invited me to come to her house to hang out by the pool. I gotta get a tan this summer, especially if we are going to the Bahamas.

Bad Habits (A Rafe Cameron/OBX story)Where stories live. Discover now