Chapter 17

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The next morning, I wake up to an empty bed. My eyes open immediately when I realize Rafe isn't there. He was right beside me when I went to sleep last night... what happened?

I check my phone and see a text from him.

Rafe: Hey. I had to leave this morning, my dad called me asking where I was. I didn't want to wake you so I texted you instead. If I know you, I'm sure you woke up freaking out because I was missing. Don't worry, I'm okay. Let me know what your plans are today so we can see each other some time.

Me: Oh, thank God. I was worried my dad saw you and killed you lol. But I'm hanging with Kie and the guys today. And before you say anything... I know you don't like them. Maybe one day you will learn to love them. Anyway, let's hang out later? I'll let you know. :)

Having two different groups of friends is so hard. Not only that, but two friend groups and a secret relationship... madness. I hope I can keep up with all of this. My phone buzzes.

Kiara: Hey! I'm heading over to John B's house now. Do you want me to pick you up? I can be there in 10.

Me: Yeah, sure! I just woke up so I will get ready really quick and meet you outside.

I would invite her in but my parents aren't too fond of the way she has turned out. When she had her Kook year, they loved her. There was one year, her freshman year and my sophomore year, that she went to school with us. She was full Kook for her whole freshman year, even hung out with Sarah and I all of the time. The two were friends for a while but I don't know what happened with them. I guess Sarah didn't like it when she started hanging out with the guys again. Kie and I became friends after Sarah and I. But I became friends with Kiara when I was in middle school. I was in 6th grade and she was in 5th. It doesn't bother me that all of my friends are a year younger than me. Everyone asks me that but I don't care. I don't like anyone in my grade anyway.

I get up and change into a bikini with shorts and a t-shirt over it. I pull my hair into a messy bun, brush my teeth and grab my shoes before heading out the door. As soon as I walk out of the house, Kiara pulls into the driveway. I hop into the passengers side of her small SUV. Her face lights up and she wraps her arm around my shoulder in a side hug. "I missed you! How was your trip?"

"It was so good! We had a great time." I say with a smile.

She looks suspicious of my big grin but doesn't question me further. "The guys are already at the chateau. We aren't planning on doing much, just catching up. JJ is bringing his stash."

"Awesome. I've missed weed, not gonna lie." I say as she pulls out of the driveway.

"And what about us?!" She scoffs.

"You guys too... I guess."

She scoffs again and pushes me, "Ugh! Asshole."

I laugh as she pouts and drives. There is so much that I want to tell her. And I so wish that I could spill everything out to her.

Music is blaring through the car speakers as we pull up to John B's house. The guys all run out of the house when they realize we are there. JJ reaches me first, grabbing me and picking me up in a dramatic hug. I laugh as he puts me down and tells me he missed me. John B and Pope get their hugs in too. And Kiara redeems herself for the side hug in the car earlier.

"I missed you guys!" I tell them.

Pope says, "We missed you! But I'm sure you had a blast in the Bahamas."

"A Kook's paradise." Says John B.

We all walk into the house. I plop down on the couch in my usual spot, JJ sitting beside me just like always. It's like I never left.

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